Chapter 434: Competing to Cross, Competing to Cross

Arthur looked across the dining table at Marinda.

He knew that this was Marinda laying out their plan to him, but he needed to confirm more things.

He scrutinized Marinda's expression closely.

"Eagle Eye" and "Insight" were both lit up like searchlights.

But he discovered nothing.

Suddenly, Arthur breathed a sigh of relief.

The young "Spirit Medium" stood up and walked over to Marinda, extending his right hand palm-up—

"Of course!"

Arthur looked down at Marinda, his gaze tender and his mouth curved into a smile.

Under the candlelight, the already beautiful Marinda looked even more enchanting, especially her deep blue eyes that moved like waves.

It was as if he was truly seeing the ocean.



Anyone who saw Marinda at that moment would be captivated by her beauty and amazed by the charm of her eyes.

But at that moment, Marinda was looking up at Arthur.