In the gentle and piercing brilliance, the middle-aged gentleman stepped aside with a smile.
With one step, his figure was heavy.
"Slash of Vanquishing Evil, nothing is invincible!
you must be able to reach it!"
The middle-aged gentleman said this.
More precisely, 22 figures spoke in unison.
They surrounded 'Bandage Swordsman', their faces warm and polite, their words gentle and humble, but the overlapping dialogue brought a suffocating, dizzying strangeness.
More importantly, this strangeness was layered one upon another.
'Bandage Swordsman' could even sense his soul's faltering.
But the next moment, 'Bandage Swordsman's soul stabilized once again.
After all, it wasn't really alive.
Its soul...
wasn't real, either!
As for finding which one of them is real?
Of course, it couldn't be found either.
But someone...
A dog could find it!
After slightly borrowing the view of Kuliqi, 'Bandage Swordsman' slashed out with his sword—