Chapter 17 Fengsui City

That night.

The convoy stopped once more.

Since leaving Northern County, after several days of nonstop travel, the horses were exhausted. They dug their hooves into the ground, quite resistant… No matter how the whips were cracked, they needed rest and refused to move forward.

"Is this…have we arrived?"

Shen Yan, heavy with worries, stretched out her hand to lift the curtain of the carriage and peered outside into complete darkness.

"We have arrived!"

Deng Baiyi stood up, drew back the curtain, and left the carriage, exhaling a breath of pent-up air. A solemn expression on her face, she declared, "Fengsui City lies just ahead!"

The convoy regrouped and rested on a small hill.

If one stood on the hill's summit and looked into the distance, one would discover.

At the end of the long night, clusters of firelight pierced through the darkness!

In sight was an imposing border wall, ignited with bonfires yet still emanating an icy, stern chill, stretching seemingly without end. As Northern County became desolate and depleted of Primordial Energy, the Dachu Royal Family recalled the garrison commander, and countless commoners sought to move southward, their top choice being Qing State adjacent to Northern County.

Regrettably, although they could leave Northern County, they could not make it to Qing State.

Fengsui City was like a chasm in the sky.

If they lacked the proper documents, they would definitely be barred at the gate!

"Can we…really get in?"

Deng Chicheng asked softly, his face full of worry.

Xie Xuanyi, wearing a light cloak over his shoulders, also descended from the carriage. He looked towards the distant fiery glow and calmly stated, "Actually, acquiring the necessary documents isn't as troublesome as you think."

This barrier blocks commoners, not cultivators.

Even a Qi Refining Master, as long as they declare their identity…will not be hindered.

Of course, this Qi Refining Master who wishes to enter must undergo Fengsui City's meticulous inspection to verify their identity before they are allowed through.

As Northern County frequently suffered monster infestations, Fengsui City, being Dachu's "iron floodgate" to the north, could not possibly allow suspicious characters through.

Xie Xuanyi glanced back at Jiang Huang, who was sound asleep inside the carriage.

In his memory, the ordinary officers responsible for Fengsui City were roughly at the Qi-controlling Realm, and a routine inspection would surely not expose Jiang Huang.

Those of slightly higher realms typically stayed hidden within Fengsui City's special residences, rarely coming into the public eye…

Beyond the Qi-controlling Realm, they naturally wouldn't travel with the commoners.

A single Flying Sword, in mere moments, can sweep across several miles!

Although the Dachu Royal Family had recalled the garrison commander, they still assigned very strong high-realm cultivators to oversee important fortresses like Fengsui City discreetly. If high-realm cultivators passed through, it was their turn to appear, although "appear" was in fact simple—most times, they just exchanged a strand of Divine Thought to greet and verify identities, after which passage was granted.

"I've been to Fengsui City before."

"Later, once you present the talismans you've drawn these past few days to prove your identity as a Qi Refining Master, no one will make things difficult for you."

Xie Xuanyi instructed Deng Baiyi before going over to the horse that refused to move forward. He personally tugged at the reins and impassively patted the horse, murmuring, "Don't be afraid, it's safe."

The horse, no matter how fearful it was of advancing, trembled all over, whimpered, and meekly bowed its head to follow along.

The group approached Fengsui City.

Below the impregnable walls, dense oil lamps blazed, momentarily providing the illumination of daylight, and beneath the walls, it was bustling.

All along the way, they did not encounter many people.

Because the vast majority of those "seeking entry" were stopped in front of the gates of Fengsui City!

Wearing Dachu copper scale armor, the city guards were individually checking each "travel document," with Big Spear Soldiers positioned behind them, guarding the gates and lining the fortifications, their voices full of pleading.

"Sir, sir…I can't survive like this, please be kind, let me go to Qing State to seek medical help!"

"Sir! I have elders above and children below…"

"Sir! Sir!"

Beneath the high walls of Fengsui City, many people gathered, including scantily clad elderly and unkempt children.

The weather was too cold.

Many of them had frostbite, some with broken legs, others limping, looking from afar like a cluster of withered trees.

Xie Xuanyi silently watched the scene.

He had indeed been to Fengsui City before, approximately ten years ago, but it wasn't like this back then.

Fengsui, indicating a bountiful rice harvest, widely welcoming sheaves of wheat.

Back then, this place was an important trade post between the north andsouth, with many merchants passing through Fengsui City in carriages, laughter always echoing under the city gates as documents were checked.

But now, the scene had changed, akin to purgatory.

The air carried faint hints of a bloody scent.

"In past years, Northern County suffered famine combined with monster infestations, and many people died."

Deng Baiyi's eyes held a complex look, her voice kept very low: "I heard many people wanted to move south but were stopped. Many bodies are buried under Fengsui City, and they refused to leave, instead digging the soil to eat."

To dig the soil to eat, what was that?

It goes without saying.

The entourage of Deng Residence, though not imposing in size, starkly contrasted the beggars gathered in front of Fengsui City.

Xie Xuanyi led the way, holding the reins.

Along the roadside, many eyes turned towards them—

Countless refugees, all skeletal, seemingly like withered trees, starving to the point of emaciation, yet their eyes were fiercely wild, like beasts.

As the Deng Residence's entourage advanced a yard, their gazes followed suit for a yard.

The servants of Deng Residence had already drawn their weapons.

"If someone comes close, act immediately."

Despite Xie Xuanyi's presence, everyone remained extremely tense.

Deng Baiyi, her hands clutching talismans, was no exception.

These people…were all desperadoes, and no one wanted to erupt into conflict with these fellows.

"Miss Shen, have you made up your mind?"

Xie Xuanyi was in no hurry and deliberately walked very slowly.

There were too many refugees in Fengsui City, and Shen Yan had been staying inside the carriage without showing her face.

She was truly indecisive about the matter of the Green Yuan Pills.

Her worry was that if she agreed to this Xie Zhen, then after Xu You used up the pills, she would have truly consumed a favor, and would the father's old friend still be willing to help the Shen Family revive Lingluo Mountain?

She asked in a pitiable voice, "Is Young Master Xie a generous man? If I don't agree, will I be thrown out of the carriage?"

"A gentleman should have the virtue of cherishing the fragrant and cherishing the jade."

Xie Xuanyi said, "Although I may not be a gentleman, I wouldn't 'throw' you out of the carriage… If there is no compensation, then regarding the matter of entering the barrier, I am really powerless and can only ask Miss Shen to leave the carriage and look for someone more capable."


The carriage was suddenly dead silent.

Deng Baiyi struggled to hold back her laughter, and her gaze towards Xie Xuanyi underwent a transformation.

Ever since Xie Xuanyi pulled Shen Yan onto the carriage, Deng Baiyi had been wondering how this fellow could be so kind-hearted. She had never thought of him as any kind of benevolent person!

Now, before reaching the garrison of Fengsui City, the true intentions became apparent.

She finally saw the scene she had wanted to see.


After hesitating for a while, Shen Yan's voice came from the carriage, grinding her teeth, "If Young Master Xie can truly take me to Tai'an City, then I, Shen Yan, will certainly obtain three Green Yuan Pills for you!"

"Not three."

Xie Xuanyi shook his head, saying, "Now it's five."

Shen Yan was stupefied: "???"

"I told Miss Shen earlier, it's best to make decisions early."

Xie Xuanyi calmly said, "The price now is different from before."

Shen Yan had never seen such a "shamelessly brazen" person.

She said indignantly, "Xie Zhen, are you really a gentleman! What if, after I agree, you continue to raise the price?"

"I already said I am not."

Xie Xuanyi said self-mockingly, "You're absolutely right, but there's no other choice. If you don't trust me, you can get off the carriage right now."

Shen Yan completely lay down her weapons.

A moment later, a faint sigh came from the carriage, "Five then, just five. I agree to your terms, and more is out of the question."

"It's a deal."

Xie Xuanyi said expressionlessly, "I assure you, you will meet the Deputy City Lord Xu You in Tai'an City."

With the deal made, Xie Xuanyi quickened his pace.

An invisible force spread out—

The refugees lingering in front of the city gate of Fengsui City, who had silently surrounded the convoy, suddenly felt an indescribable and enormous pressure!

The young man leading the horse in white seemed to emit an invisible aura!

This presence caused them to be fearful!

A pair of blood-red eyes became dull, and they withdrew once more.

The last stretch of the road was very peaceful.

The towering iron walls of Fengsui Pass emitted waves of chill.

"Who goes there?"

A rough and authoritative voice blasted above.

Xie Xuanyi lifted his head, his gaze bypassing the two Copper Scale Guards who had come forward to check their identities, directly sweeping towards the top of the city wall.

There, unbeknownst to when, a tall figure had appeared, his hands pressing on the stone surface holding the beacon lights. Merely leaning forward slightly conveyed an immense sense of oppression.

The flickering lights were dazzling, yet they did not reveal the grand figure's face.

"Garrison Commander Sir, we are cultivators traveling south from the Northern County."

Xie Xuanyi spoke politely, slightly bowing as a gesture of respect.

The tall garrison commander propped his elbows, sizing up Xie Xuanyi, and feeling the lack of Primordial Energy from him, he asked indifferently, "Quite an impressive demeanor, just in the Qi Refining Realm?"

Xie Xuanyi also smiled, saying, "Realm isn't that important."

A glance.

Deng Baiyi quickly handed over the talismans she had drawn.

Xie Xuanyi did not reach out to take them but instead waved his sleeve with a flourish.


A sudden gust of wind rose, and the countless talismans handed out by Deng Baiyi did not fall into the hands of Xie Xuanyi, but were, with this seemingly casual sweep of his sleeve, borne aloft by the wind!

The countless threads of Heaven and Earth Primordial Energy converged in front of the city gate, carrying the dozens of talismans up to the top of the city walls, where the tall garrison commander, his face hidden in the shadow of the lights, remained silent. However, he extended his broad arm, and, like scooping up fish, hooked his fingers slightly and snatched a talisman from the storm.

A flick of his finger.


The garrison commander who took the talisman became more solemn, "A 'Single Qi Talisman' from the Taoist sect... Are you people from the Taoist sect?"

The Taoist sect… Deng Baiyi, who had remained silent from the beginning, blinked her beautiful eyes at this moment.

Although she had never asked about their identity,

in her heart, "Xie Zhen" was supposed to be a cultivator from Da Sui Sword Palace!

"Indeed. This trip is to bring a disciple of the Taoist sect back to the Central State."

Xie Xuanyi did not deny it.

He waved his sleeve again, and countless Primordial Energy whisked the talismans down, except for the one that the tall garrison commander had snatched. The rest of the talismans, not a single one missing, neatly stacked back in Deng Baiyi's hands.

"Interesting, it's been a long time since a Taoist cultivator has come here, and you guys actually go out as well? It seems this young lady is a promising talent."

The garrison commander joked with a laugh, and this time his laughter sounded differently from before, carried three parts more goodwill.