Chapter 9: Ying Sa's Aunt

"He can still talk. Should we observe him a bit longer?" Another, more cowardly voice said.

"Sure, you lie here in his place." The man in the black shirt said maliciously.

"No... I didn't say anything. I'm just afraid Sister Su will shoot us."

"How dare she oppose our Black Shirt Organization! Rules are rules, no one can escape them!"

As they spoke, they walked toward the sidewalk.

On the sidewalk, there was still a large group of people, the cacophony of voices came from them. Each person wore black clothing, appearing like some shady organization!




Suddenly, three gunshots rang out in Cross Street!

Many members of the Black Shirt Organization crouched down, staring in horror at the other end of the street, where a woman in her thirties wielding a gun stood!

The woman had short, jet-black hair, with delicate, jade-like ears exposed. Her originally gentle face showed a toughness and ruggedness born of many hardships!

She walked to the middle of the intersection, to where Wu Hen was tied to a cart.

"Su Li, are you crazy!" A tall man in the organization yelled angrily.

"I said, anyone who dares to offer my little nephew to Dusk, I will shoot!" The Black Pearl short-haired woman said coldly.

She held a gun in one hand, pointing it at the entire Black Shirt Organization, while gently placing her other hand on Wu Hen's chest, softly comforting him: "Don't be afraid, Xiao Yun, don't be afraid. I promised your father, I would ensure you live well in this world."

"Su Li, then tell me, how are we supposed to get through this whole night?" The domineering Black Shirt man questioned.

"That's not my concern!"

"How is it not your concern? Our Black Shirt has also helped you and your family. Moreover, when you join the Black Shirt Organization, you agreed to the rules. We've stayed safe in the past by making sacrifices. Now it's your family's turn to make a sacrifice, and you don't want to? In what world does that happen?" The domineering Black Shirt man said.

"You said, as long as there was a trace of sanity left, you would never do anything against humanity!" The Black Pearl short-haired woman Su Li said.

"We've observed long enough. Your nephew is already lost." The Black Shirt man said.

"Say something, Xiao Yun, say something. Please say something. Tell them you are not lost. Tell them you are not lost!" Su Li gently shook Wu Hen's body, tears in her eyes.

Though her face was full of determination, the look in her eyes was infinitely tender. Wu Hen realized that this woman truly loved the host of this body.

"I... I'm fine. I should not be lost, just can't remember a lot of things." Wu Hen said.

Hearing Wu Hen speak, Su Li's eyes were filled with excitement and joy!!

"He talked, and his speech is normal." A woman in the Black Shirt Organization said.

"Even if someone is lost, they don't lose their language ability. Besides, he is just on the edge of being lost. But right now, in our entire organization, he is the most suitable to be offered to Dusk." The domineering Black Shirt man said coldly.

"It's getting dark." Someone whispered.

"Su Li, pointing a gun at us Black Shirt is a betrayal. Starting today, you and your family will be exiled. You no longer belong to our Black Shirt Organization, or to this city. Take care of yourself!" The domineering Black Shirt man said.

"Hurry, it's getting dark!"

"Remember to close the doors and windows!"

"Without a sacrifice, our area won't be safe anymore. Many people might die."

"This Su Li, she's really a bastard, endangering us all for someone who's already lost!"

Soon, the members of the Black Shirt Organization dispersed from the sidewalk.

They didn't scatter to the surrounding buildings. Some went into office buildings, some into apartments, others hid in malls and underground parking lots, typically in groups of four or five.

When it gets dark, something terrible will happen??

Wu Hen felt very confused, but it was difficult to gather any useful information.

"Let's go, we're leaving, Xiao Yun. You will be okay, you will definitely be okay. As long as we find Nuwa God End, you'll be okay!" Su Li immediately unlocked Wu Hen's chains and helped him up from the cart.

Wu Hen dusted himself off and instinctively glanced at the patch of sky over the long street. The clouds at the horizon were tinged with a sinister hue, though it was only dusk, it evoked a strong sense of unease and fear in him!

Wu Hen knew nothing, he felt this unease and fear came from the original owner of this body!

He had taken over, but the residual fear still lingered!

"What happens when it gets dark?" Wu Hen asked the young, valiant aunt.

"Don't ask now, we need to hide." Su Li led Wu Hen quickly to the other side of the street.

The city was not as quiet as Juezhen, rather, there were always strange noises, like the creaking of bent steel, random car alarms, the sound of something falling from a height, and whispers and low prayers from within sealed, lightless rooms...

A sliver of the setting sun spread down the central avenue, and as the sun sank, it was like a door of light slowly closing. The two running down the street were clearly not inside the door, but rather, locked outside.

Su Li quickened her pace. She had to get to the subway under this last bit of daylight!


Suddenly, Wu Hen heard a growling sound of hunger.

The sound was still a distance away, Wu Hen looked up at the high-rise buildings as he ran.

On the glass wall of an office building, someone clung!

At first glance, it seemed like a window cleaner, but that person had all limbs splayed out, stuck to the wall like suction cups, slowly crawling up the vertical glass wall...

The remaining sunlight divided the sides of the avenue into light and dark. The "person" was on the shadowy side, following Wu Hen and Su Li's scent!

"Auntie, there's something on the wall." Wu Hen instinctively called out, alerting this person's original relative.

Su Li looked up and, having gone through countless trials, displayed an admirable calm.

Right hand holding the gun, left hand steadying it, Su Li aimed directly at the "person" on the glass wall and fired twice!

"Bang! Bang!"

The two shots were precise, hitting the crawling evil person!

The surrounding glass wall shattered, and shards fell from the height!

The crawling monster froze after being shot, plummeting and crashing hard onto the lit street...

The bullets only left two holes in its body, and the impact didn't break it to pieces. Instead, because it landed in the lighted area, the monster's body started to petrify!

Starting from its limbs, turning into granite-like material, which quickly spread over its entire body, covering it completely!

Soon, the monster became a solid stone statue!

"That's the lowest level of Dusk Evil Spirit, it moves quietly, almost without sound. How did you notice it?" Su Li looked at Wu Hen with some surprise.

"I heard its stomach growling." Wu Hen said.

Indeed, this so-called Dusk Evil Spirit made almost no sound while crawling. If it weren't for its hungry growling, Wu Hen might not have heard its footsteps until it was much closer.

"You can hear it from so far away... Could it be you've synesthesia on the brink of getting lost?" Su Li remarked, a bit surprised.


"It's a prerequisite to being strong. If you've synesthesia of hearing, we might have a chance to leave this sunlit area." Su Li said.

"Ah? We can leave the sunlit area?" Wu Hen felt puzzled.

"This isn't the sun we're used to. It's the terrifying Evil Sun. Basically, we can't even look at its light, or we'll turn into evil spirits!" Su Li quickly explained and then grabbed Wu Hen's right hand, ready to run to a shelter.

But when Su Li touched Wu Hen's right wrist, a black spark shocked her back.

Su Li, her face pale with fear, looked at Wu Hen incredulously, and after a long time she said, "Xiao Yun, what's wrong with your arm?? Is it infected??"

Wu Hen looked down, seeing that his arm still bore the Death Sword material. In this Desert Dust, it now looked like a black glimmer that radiated powerful energy, exuding endless mystery and awe-inspiring sanctity!

Wu Hen opened his mouth but couldn't explain.

This thing was still inside him.

Even when his soul transferred to another body, it remained!

"I don't know either. We need to hurry. I hear more growling from the dark side of those buildings." Wu Hen pointed to the east side of the row of high buildings.

Su Li stopped asking questions and pulled Wu Hen's left hand, heading to the subway station near a shopping mall!!

The subway station was sturdy enough, and Su Li thought it was the best place to hide. Before long, the evil spirits would roam the city, searching for live people with their growling stomachs!