Chapter 2: Shh! Don't Make a Sound


It felt like the soul had traveled to another world.


Extreme silence!

In sight was a rainforest, extending towards a cliff-edge ghost town, but Wu Hen couldn't hear any sounds.

No insects chirping, no birds calling, the rainforest behind and the cliff-edge ghost town ahead were eerily quiet, making Wu Hen, who had just entered this world, feel incredibly strange!

Wu Hen observed the surroundings and found himself just outside the town, inside a dilapidated brick house.

In the middle of the brick house was a campfire.

Beside him were two people.

They looked like homeless people, warming themselves by the campfire. When they saw Wu Hen wake up, they both cast him a strange look.

Wu Hen found the atmosphere a bit odd and was about to move forward when a dirty little girl beside him motioned him to stop, pointing at his feet.

Wu Hen looked down and saw broken glass all over the ground.

The surroundings were so quiet that even making the slightest sound felt unnatural to Wu Hen.

At this moment, the dirty little girl and the homeless people put their fingers to their lips in a shushing motion, signaling Wu Hen not to speak.

Wu Hen was very perceptive, instantly realizing that something was outside!


Someone stepped on a can, producing a harsh sound!

It was a drunkard, not far outside the house.

The drunkard stood frozen, his entire being rigid, eyes filled with terror!

It was just a can, but it felt like stepping on a landmine.

The drunkard sobered up, his face pale!


The next second, a scream echoed through the entire rainforest town!

Wu Hen's pupils dilated, his hair stood on end:

A monstrous creature with trumpet-like ears and a mouth like an evil spirit appeared in front of the drunkard in an instant!

Its scythe-blade claws hovered menacingly over the drunkard's neck!


In the blink of an eye, the drunkard's head was severed!

Blood sprayed out like a fountain.

The severed head rolled towards Wu Hen's hut.

Wu Hen could still see the fear frozen in the drunkard's eyes at the moment of death!


For the first time, city dweller Wu Hen witnessed such a bloody sight, feeling his stomach churn.

He almost vomited!

The visual impact was overwhelming, Wu Hen pressed his lips tightly, forcing the bile rising in his throat back down.

The girl beside him constantly motioned for him to be silent, warning him not to make any sound!


The Head-cutting Evil Spirit's trumpet-like ears twitched, seemingly sensing the presence of other living beings.

It turned around and slowly approached Wu Hen's hut.

Upon reaching the doorway, the Head-cutting Evil Spirit suddenly stopped, its trumpet-like ears extending like tentacles to probe the surroundings.

The scene was like a Demon Doctor, with weird stethoscope-like ears, using them to detect the house's sounds!!

The long trumpet ears fully entered the house, seemingly hearing someone's heavy breathing, then slowly extended towards the homeless man!

The homeless man was tense, cold sweat dripping down his neck.

He dared not move, holding his breath, knowing any tiny noise meant certain death, just like the recently beheaded drunkard!

Though he held his breath, eliminating the sound of exhaling, the stethoscope-like ears did not leave his body, slowly sliding down to his chest.



While holding his breath, the homeless man's heart rate accelerated!!

And those stethoscope ears stayed glued to his chest, right over his heart!!

"Thump-thump-thump!! Thump-thump-thump-thump!!!!"

The homeless man's heart thumped wildly!

At that moment, the Head-cutting Evil Spirit climbed along its extended ears towards the sound!


Feeling exposed, the homeless man's heart rate skyrocketed!

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!!!!"

Finally, the heart rate hit a critical point, changing the sound frequency!


In an instant, the scythe-blade claws slashed down, swift and fierce!

The homeless man's head was severed!

Blood spurted out like a watermelon burst.

The man's body fell limply, his neck gushing blood, staining the ground.

He was dead, the homeless man was killed, even though he didn't make any noise, he couldn't escape death!

Such a terrifying scene, so close.

Wu Hen, frozen in place, controlled every muscle, yet couldn't shake the numb, cold feeling enveloping him!

"Can't make a sound!" Wu Hen warned himself,

"If it gets close enough, and your heartbeat reaches a certain point, this demon will hear it!!"

The problem was, how could anyone stay calm in such a situation!!!

It's impossible for a sane person to achieve that!

"Gulp~" The stethoscope ears twitched again.

The Head-cutting Evil Spirit turned slowly, facing Wu Hen's direction.

Its tentacle-like ears reached out again like octopus tentacles.