Chapter 21: Thugs in the Building


Among the dark green cluster of flowers, a man and a woman were slowly moving forward.

The clusters of dark flowers underfoot were quite magical, as they'd open up on their own when they stepped on them. They didn't seem like flowers, more like a group of small fish resting still in a pond...

"Such beautiful scenery, it would be great if my aunt were here." Wu Hen exhibited severe withdrawal symptoms.

In the end, he continued to walk alone in this otherworldly place, even though he had found the direction of the Nuwa Divine Tree.

Behind him, a dirty girl was carrying a thick package on her back, filled with supplies and information collected from her former teammates.

Following Wu Hen, Yang Qin increasingly resembled a maid accompanying a young master to the capital for his exams, diligent and obedient.

Nevertheless, for most of the journey, she was treated like air.

"He is very strong, following him, even if he makes some excessive demands..." Yang Qin had already resolved to serve this man, no matter what, as long as she could return to her homeland!

After climbing a high slope, a small flower valley appeared ahead. Wu Hen started listening carefully from a distance, and after confirming there was no danger, he walked boldly into the flower valley.

"Is that the Soul Nesting Wood in the flower valley?" Yang Qin asked excitedly.

"It should be." Wu Hen nodded.

"That's great, that's great!" Yang Qin was thrilled and quickened her pace.

Along the journey, Yang Qin had also been diligently studying the knowledge of the otherworldly dust.

The Soul Nesting Tree was not only an important guide for Nuwa's human descendants but also had a very important ability; it could temporarily bring people back to their homeland and cleanse their souls.

Wu Hen naturally knew this as well; he desperately wanted to go back too, but he remained vigilant, knowing that peaceful surroundings did not necessarily mean safety.


Upon entering the flower valley, more colorful flowers appeared, most of them gently swaying with the breeze. If the wind suddenly grew stronger, they would flock together and hide behind rocks.

To be honest, such scenery was indeed mesmerizing. If it really appeared in our world, it would be a little paradise on earth and they would charge for entry.

The flower valley was not large, and in its center stood a very special tree.

About the size of an ancient tree, but without a single leaf.

Its branches were very clean, yet among the branches bloomed exquisite soul flowers!

Some of the soul flowers were in full bloom, some were in bud, some were withered, and some were still growing.

Yang Qin immediately took out her handbook and carefully compared it with the illustrations, finding that both the appearance of the Soul Nesting Wood and the soul flowers exactly matched the descriptions in the handbook!

"It's the Soul Nesting Wood, no doubt about it. We can go back!" Yang Qin exclaimed excitedly.

"Just for a short time," Wu Hen said.

"That's enough, I'm really, really tired." Yang Qin said.

There was a stream beside them. To avoid being seen dirty when she returned, Yang Qin scooped up some water and washed her face until it was clean.

The stream was clear as crystal. Yang Qin even looked at her reflection, combed her hair until she could clearly see her face, and then stood up contentedly.

"I think I'm a bit lost." Wu Hen said.

"What?" Yang Qin asked.

"I actually think you are starting to look quite pretty. I must be really hungry—or maybe I'm just going crazy. I didn't expect otherworldly dust to be so mentally contaminating," Wu Hen said.

Yang Qin: "???"

What on earth did she do to annoy him?

Yang Qin felt utterly speechless and could only raise her head to look at the splendid soul flowers on the Soul Nesting Wood.

But out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Wu Hen was still staring at her, still focused on her face. This made Yang Qin first panic, and then feel an inexplicable joy!

See, she wasn't that bad!!

How could a normal man not even look at her directly!

"What... what are you doing?" Yang Qin asked cautiously.

Wu Hen's expression was very serious. He stared at Yang Qin's face, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Have you noticed any changes in your appearance?"

"Changes in appearance?" Yang Qin was very puzzled. She ran back to the stream to look at herself again, "No, I look the same. Although you are starting to look a bit familiar, like one of my classmates."

Previously, when Yang Qin was dirty, Wu Hen hadn't noticed. After she washed her face clean, Wu Hen realized her appearance had changed... slowly resembling Yang Qin's original appearance!

It's important to know that, after awakening, these hosts retained their own original looks.

Wu Hen also clearly remembered that when Yang Qin's host woke up, she didn't look like this.

The host seemed to be slowly reshaping, evolving towards the soul within!

After discovering this,

Wu Hen also walked to the stream and washed his own face with clear water.

Sure enough, the host's appearance was already about six-tenths similar to his original self; the brows, the facial features, the aura... all seemed to be developing towards his likeness!

How bizarre!

What kind of natural laws was this otherworldly dust following??

"According to this, if we fall asleep among the soul flowers, we can return to our homeland," Yang Qin read seriously from the handbook.

"I know. You go offline first. I'll watch over the area." Wu Hen waved his hand dismissively.

Yang Qin thought about it. If this man wanted to harm her, there was no need to go through all this trouble.

She really yearned to go home, even if it was just to have a comfortable hot bath and chat a little with her family.

Yang Qin climbed onto the Soul Nesting Wood and stepped barefoot into the blooming soul flower cluster.

She slowly lay down, curling up slightly. Soon, the soul flower seemed to sense something and its unfolding petals began to close gradually.

The closing petals completely enveloped Yang Qin's body, transforming into a very peculiar flower sac, enveloping the sleeping Yang Qin like a stamen.

At the same time, the entire tree trunk of the Soul Nesting Wood emitted an aurora-like glow, transmitting energy from the location of Yang Qin's soul flower down to the roots.

Wu Hen called out a few times.

Yang Qin did not respond at all...

Wu Hen also climbed onto a closed soul flower and knocked on it, finding that the flower sac was incredibly strong, as tough as a small life pod.

Even if the consciousness left this body, the soul flower sac could perfectly protect the person sleeping inside.

"Very reasonable, very reasonable."

Wu Hen now had a basic understanding of how the Soul Nesting Wood worked.

Su Li had also told Wu Hen that the Soul Nesting Wood would wither. It could only allow those walking in the otherworldly dust to temporarily return to the Nuwa Divine Realm.

But for those about to lose themselves, being able to return to the Nuwa Divine Realm was already a spiritual cleansing.

"I wonder how Mom, Dad, and Yu Yu are doing. I'll go back and give them some peace of mind, so they won't worry." Wu Hen also climbed onto a branch and walked towards a blooming soul flower.

Enclosed in the soft petals, the familiar and comforting feeling made Wu Hen feel a sense of serenity and peace, like lying in his aunt's soft embrace.

Soon, a strong sense of secure sleepiness washed over him, and Wu Hen closed his eyes.


Li City.

In a dilapidated old building, in a dim room, Wu Yingting was leaning against the door wall, holding an old-fashioned handgun.

The corridor outside the house was full of chaotic footsteps. A group of people were gathering in the vicinity, each holding a weapon and most of them wearing black clothes.

"Husband, who are those people outside and what do they want?" Yu Yi asked nervously in a low voice.

"It's the Black Shirt Organization. It was first formed in the otherworldly dust by some unarmed people. They shared information and helped each other to increase the survival rate of those walking in the dust..." Wu Yingting said quietly.

"Isn't that a good thing? Someone in our building fell into that otherworldly place. They should be helpless there. If one day we were forced to enter there too, it would be better to follow the Black Shirt Organization than explore on our own," Yu Yi said.

Wu Yingting shook his head solemnly and said, "Things are not that simple. From what I know, they often submit to powerful species in the dust, reaching some form of faith exchange and sacrificing a few to ensure the safety of many, like ancient feudal societies sacrificing child boys and girls."

"I see..." Yu Yi didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Just don't trust them easily. How's Xiao Hen doing?" Wu Yingting asked.

His sister, Yu Yu, came out of the room and pointed to Wu Hen, then mimicked crying with her hands under her eyes: "Brother seems very sad."

"If he's sad, it means he's in good condition." Wu Yingting nodded.

Wu Hen was essentially sleeping. If his face remained expressionless, it could mean he was getting further lost within.

Emotional changes on his face meant he was still fine.

Wu Yingting also believed that his son could surely return safely!

"Bang, bang, bang!!!" Suddenly, loud knocks resounded on the door.

Wu Yingting immediately gestured for his wife and daughter to retreat to the corner and quickly got ready.

"Open the door!" A rough voice came from outside.

"What do you want??" Wu Yingting naturally didn't open the door.

"Old Wu, it's me, He Zhichou. Remember that deal we made before? You owe me ten grand, can you give it to me now? I want to join the Black Shirt Organization and they require a ten grand membership fee." The man outside said.

Wu Yingting's face darkened when he heard that.

He did not expect the other person to come for money at this time.

Moreover, it was an investment they both made. According to the law, there was no need to repay it.

"I don't have any money right now." Wu Yingting said.

"Don't pretend. I don't believe you've got nothing." He Zhichou said maliciously.

"Brother Five, I really can't. Look at my situation; if I had money, I'd have moved the kids to Silver Plate Building a long time ago." Wu Yingting said patiently.

At that moment, a series of chaotic footsteps sounded. Apparently, several more people had gathered outside the door.

"Why waste time talking. Throw in a fire, and even the cockroaches will crawl out!" A raspy-voiced man outside said disdainfully.

"Old Wu, I tried talking nicely, but you won't even open the door. Don't blame me now. In times like these, it's all about who's tougher!" He Zhichou's tone also turned cold.