Chapter 16 Do We Also Have the Ten Outstanding?

Fang Ranran had already noticed that two boys next to her were sneaking glances at her, but she didn't care much.

Having been the center of attention from boys since she was young due to her excessive attractiveness, she had long become desensitized.

Fang Ranran was checking her personal email: "Zhuang Xiao'ai didn't agree."

She looked dejected, resting her chin in her hand as she spoke weakly, "She was quite enthusiastic when I invited her to dinner. I thought there was a chance, but then she turned around and sent me an email apologizing. What should we do now, Emerald Sister? All the 'Top Ten' freshmen have refused. It's one thing that the Martial Arts Society couldn't recruit upperclassmen, but to think that not even the new talent from this year's freshmen could be persuaded—even with the conditions we offered?

Full scholarships, the best training equipment, the top coaches, and professors from the entire Medical and Biological Sciences departments of Mingde University serving as advisors for our Martial Arts Society—are there any other university martial arts clubs that could compete with our offers?"

The lady in professional attire across the table was unmoved, emotionlessly picking up some food: "The problem is they aren't lacking money, nor are they lacking good coaches or training and medical resources. What they lack are honors, powerful and reliable teammates, and a platform that can give them more visibility and exposure—none of which we have. Mingde University indeed has a weak reputation in armed martial arts."

Fang Ranran was left speechless by her blunt words; all she could do was sigh, "You're right. But, Emerald Sister, isn't there really anything we can do? Now that we can't count on those upperclassmen, and although the few we poached from other schools are decent, they can't bear the main burden. No matter how much we train them, they cannot confront the main competitors from other schools. I guess we'll be at the bottom for the next two years. If this new generation doesn't rise up, we'll just have to wait for the new freshmen in two years—and by then, I'll be a junior—"

The lady in professional attire shook her head: "I've always said that with Mingde University's conditions, it's unrealistic to think about poaching. If you want to improve the Martial Arts Society's performance, you're only going to have to invest heavily and find a few talented prospects in high school to train."

As she spoke, she noticed that Fang Ranran's face was filled with disappointment.

She paused, then smiled slyly. "However, there has been a new development. Today, when I invited Wei De, we had a chat. He told me something—that your Mingde University already has a Top Ten level champion within its ranks, so why seek others?"

Fang Ranran was startled, her eyes widening in disbelief: "Our Mingde University has a Top Ten level player? Where? How do I not know about this?"

"This person is named Lin Rui."

The lady in professional attire picked up a shiny piece of braised pork and elegantly stuffed it into her mouth: "He's a student at your university's Alien Body College. Wei De said that during yesterday's practical assessment for alien bodies, Lin Rui fought him fiercely for two minutes using 'Red Thunder Snake Hand' and defeated him, ranking eleventh city-wide. Wei De also mentioned that Lin Rui's practical abilities could definitely make the top three in the city. The reason Lin Rui didn't push higher was that someone tampered with the matching algorithm and he never encountered another Top Ten level competitor."

"His ability can reach the top three in the city?" Fang Ranran looked incredulous: "Red Thunder Snake Hand requires mastering both Red Thunder Palm and Thunder Fire Stance to the Great Achievement Realm, right? Do we really have such a person at Mingde University? Why haven't I heard about him before?"

"He suddenly emerged during this practical assessment; he was probably concealing his skills before. Most of the students from your university's Alien Body College come from the outer city areas, and for a commoner without connections, standing out too much might not be a blessing."

The lady in professional attire picked up a napkin and wiped her mouth: "I plan to go to the Student Affairs Center to request his details. Do you want to come too?"

"Why go to the Student Affairs Center? I can check right now." As Fang Ranran spoke, she noticed the two boys were still watching her.

She turned her head somewhat annoyed: "Gentlemen, staring at someone like that is very rude!"

Lin Rui gave an embarrassed smile and looked away.

He was just curious, having heard the two women mention his name.

Wang Sen gave him a kick under the table, his eyes full of envy.

To him, having Lin Rui's name mentioned by a goddess was a kind of bliss.

"You can directly access the Student Affairs Center's data?"

The lady in professional attire was surprised: "Your uncle is really reckless, giving you such high authority? Isn't he afraid of other directors' criticisms?"

Fang Ranran 'heh-hehed' and simultaneously accessed the data through her smart terminal while showing a virtual business card to the lady in professional attire.

"I see!" The lady in professional attire looked relieved.

The virtual business card showed the title 'Mingde University Director Fang Ranran,' simple yet weighty.

"Go ahead and check, but don't celebrate too soon. Although he's a student at our Mingde University, he's nearing graduation. If we want him to help us compete in Tianjixing University's martial arts league, we must get him to continue his studies and apply for the Alien Body College, although he might not be willing—"

The Alien Body College is actually a vocational division within Mingde University, so those alien body trainees can still pursue further education. Most who don't receive an alien body license choose to further their studies at the Alien Body College."

Fang Ranran then looked up, her gaze strangely upon Lin Rui at the neighboring table.

She had seen Lin Rui's holographic photo in the student affairs center's database.

It was a picture of Lin Rui at fifteen when he enrolled, much more youthful than the current Lin Rui, but the facial features were unmistakably his.

"You are Lin Rui?"

Lin Rui glanced sideways at Fang Ranran and nodded, "If you are talking about the Lin Rui who ranked eleventh in the recent Alien Body assessment, then yes, that's me."

The professionally dressed beauty also raised her eyebrows in surprise, thinking to herself if this handsome young man beside her could really be Lin Rui? Could it just be coincidence?

Fang Ranran felt both awkward and excited, she had just checked, and Sister Emerald indeed reported correctly.

She also knew that this youth, without any famous teacher's guidance, without any implanted meridians, had made it into the city's top eleven and defeated Wei De, who was among the top five!

This Lin Rui's martial arts talent was even stronger than what Sister Emerald had described.

"Lin fellow student!" Fang Ranran promptly dragged her chair over to Lin Rui, her eyes full of expectation, "You heard our conversation just now, didn't you? Could I ask if you are familiar with our school's Martial Arms Association and the university martial arts league?"

Lin Rui had no choice but to put down his chopsticks and politely replied, "The university martial arts league is widely renowned, its popularity far surpassing that of the professional martial arts league. It would be hard to find someone who doesn't know about it in these times. As for our school's Martial Arms Association, I only learned about it when Sister took over the martial arts club and was elected as the president in her freshman year. I think our club ranked eighteenth at Base Nine last year?"

Base Nine only has nineteen universities in total.

Lin Rui continued, his voice slightly hesitant, "I also heard that the atmosphere in the martial arts club isn't very good, especially in the last few years, where several serious incidents have occurred."

"Indeed, the performance of our school's martial arts club hasn't been very good, but now that I'm in charge, it's no longer the same as before."

Fang Ranran spoke with sincere earnestness, "Lin fellow student, since you are aware of the university martial arts league, you must understand the immense influence it has among the people. Achieving good results in the league would greatly benefit both the school and your own future prospects."

Seeing Lin Rui nod, she continued, "Therefore, since Celestial Blue Corporation acquired Mingde University, there has been a significant focus on revitalizing the school's Martial Arms College. There has been substantial investment into the martial arts club. Our club now has abundant resources and finances, whether it's instructors or equipment, all are top-notch. Everything is ready now except for a favorable east wind, what's missing is the talent that can help us achieve good results.

Lin fellow student, you were able to defeat Wei De and secure the city's eleventh spot, which shows your strong martial arts talent, certainly at the level of the ten elites. I would like to invite you to join our martial arts club and compete together in the university martial arts league. With your talent, I'm confident that within two years, we can make it to the Tianjixing University championship at the end of the season, and perhaps even into the final rounds."

Whether it was an illusion or not, although Fang Ranran spoke with sincerity and earnestness, Lin Rui always felt like her look was that of a fox eyeing its prey.

However, Lin Rui knew this Sister Fang had significant influence, so he patiently listened to her finish speaking before responding with an impeccable smile, "I'm sorry, Sister, I have no plans to advance to the Martial Arms College, nor do I wish to waste time and energy in the martial arts club or the university martial arts league."

Fang Ranran's spirits dropped slightly; she heard the firm resolve in Lin Rui's tone.

Just as Fang Ranran prepared to speak again, the professionally dressed beauty approached and whispered behind her, "Lin fellow student, may I know the reason? I noticed you just said you don't want to waste time and energy, not that you aren't interested."

Lin Rui looked up at her and then nodded in acknowledgment, "As far as I know, the Martial Arms Association doesn't offer a salary, right? It seems that the league's committee not only prohibits students from taking advertisements but also doesn't allow students to receive any kind of external financial sponsorships."

What he needed now was money, not only to support Lin Xi's transfer to a private school but also to save money to buy an artificial meridian for himself.

Lin Rui was actually very interested in the university martial arts league; if he could make it to the final rounds as Fang Ranran mentioned, he would definitely become a martial arts star, with a bright and wealthy future.

But that was merely a pie in the sky, unable to solve Lin Rui's current dilemma.

Lin Rui wasn't like the 'ten elites,' who already had significant fame and followership, able to earn money through live streaming and short videos while studying.

It's not like he could generate power just from passion, right?

Fang Ranran lifted the corners of her lips slightly and exchanged a glance with the professionally dressed beauty.

Both saw a hint of delight in each other's eyes; since it was a matter of money, it would be easier to handle.