Chapter 156: Preparing to Build

Looking at his tent, Pachy was somewhat puzzled.

How did I end up back here?

Didn't the boss give me two hundred thousand? But why have I returned to being a homeless man?

Oh, that's right. The boss said the money could be for me, but the money laundering stuff wasn't ready on Jonas's end yet.

God damn it, Jonas! You sneaky white people!

What else did he con me with?

Oh, that's right, he said I was here to organize the homeless this time.

Now, Pachy Leo isn't just a personal name, it's the name of a real celebrity. A living celebrity.

Pachy didn't know that this was due to a sort of tacit compromise reached between the people behind the lab and a non-existent organization.

He was a hero, a hero who had been watched for the better part of a month, and once those guys had confirmed Pachy was indeed honest, that tacit agreement was established.