Chapter 246: Threat

Jim was stunned when he received the message.

Robbin... dead?

Gun downed on the street?

An FBI senior Investigator, gun downed on the street!

Is this Los Angeles?

Bullshit! This is definitely not something that should be happening in Los Angeles right now!

But Jim had already snapped out of it, he burst out of his office yelling, "Someone come with me to the FBI office!"

The police cars roared away, and after stopping at the FBI's office building, Jim led his people inside.

But everything inside the office made everyone's eyes widen.

The whole office was in chaos, computer towers completely gone; however, that was nothing compared to the bullet holes on the walls and the bodies lying on the ground.

Jim's eyes were red with rage, as he suppressed his anger and bellowed, "Surveillance records! Get me the surveillance records from here, no, from three, five blocks around!"

Just as Jim was seething with anger, a voice rang out, "Chief Jim."