Who on earth is that person?
And why would they come to my base?
"All sectors report your status," Connor said over the channel.
A series of normal voices sounded. There was nothing unusual in any location.
But Connor sensed something was wrong: "Sector D! Sector D! Report your status."
But no one answered her, only dead silence on the other end.
Connor immediately commanded people to quickly head towards Sector D, only to find upon arrival that these people, like the guards they had seen earlier, meant to be stationed in Sector D, were all lying askew on the ground without having fired a shot.
A few hunting squad members rushed forward to check and then looked up at Connor: "Commander, they are just like the others."
"All personnel in all areas, put on your gas masks immediately," ordered Connor and then checked the people herself.
But the result she got was the same: no signs of external injuries, and the people had died without firing a shot.