Chapter 63 Request for Support (Please Follow~)


"Cheson—fuck, the guy you're watching is a cyberpsycho! Time to show your hand, who did you take this job for?"

In the clinic, bloodied Lille growled irritably.

"What's his name?" Cheson asked quickly.

"James Norris, from Taiping State."

"Wow... I got it, I have his info, but you don't need that now—he's got Si Anweisitan installed, right? The military-grade kind?"

"Exactly, you got it, and he's planning to get even stronger. The Six Street Gang wants to turn this cyber nutjob into a human nuclear bomb and toss him into the Scenic Area!"

"That's right, that's right..." Cheson could barely contain his excitement, "Listen, Lille, I'll lay it out—I'm keeping an eye on this for Kantao. They're offering big bucks for anything related to military-grade Si Anweisitan.

Street intel, blueprints, operational data, even wreckage. You want to hit a big score?

James's prosthetics must be Si Anweisitan, and they're military technology experimental models not yet in full use—