Chapter 221: The Sneaky Delivery Man

Lenny sold Super Dream movies in the underground passage of Twisting Street, indeed just less than 500 meters from Kazuko's office.

The guy was wearing a black coat with orange lining, sporting dark sunglasses, leaning against the wall.

When the three of them saw him, a guy dressed in a fancy suit sneakily asked him something:

"Hey, got any new stuff? I want something thrilling..."

"Hmm, of course."

As the suited man spoke, he looked around, just like an adulterous husband—desperate for a thrill but afraid of being seen.

The three approached and V frowned at the suited man, "You guys ever wonder why these suit dogs always pop up at these underground Black Superdream markets?"

"These lower-middle-level employees can't blend into reckless circles, afraid to mess up their families and careers with some stuff.

But they still want the experience, so they settle for these films."