Watson North District was immersed in silence.
The cold light of the factory barely lit the area beyond, and the street lamps that should have illuminated the streets flickered dimly.
A more stable source of light turned out to be the abandoned vehicles burning by the roadside, flipped over in a state their designers had never intended, as the deformed bodies were blackened by the flames.
A light sound emerged from behind the burnt-out frame of a car, as a member of the Vortex Gang pulled the pin of a hand grenade, twisting their arm in an inhuman fashion.
The hydraulic muscles implanted in the prosthetics activated at that moment, twisting the arm rapidly as the hand grenade flew out along a tangent, effortlessly breaking the throwing record of an un-augmented human, crashing towards the opposite factory!
But the grenade was shot down by bullets before it reached its target!