Chapter 330 Secretary of State

The battle was over, and the Celtic Wanderer sailed away, leaving an ocean filled with wreckage, flames, and corpses.

The pirates were at a loss, and at this moment, everyone became aware: a gold transport?

They had very likely been played!

Besides, even if they hadn't been played, they weren't daring enough to try to rob that fleeing vessel anymore.

There were rocket launchers, robots, and warships involved.

Pirates in the 21st century were quite different from those in the 18th century. The pirates of old even dared to target warships and had even succeeded before.

But the pirates of the 21st century, due to the disparities in technology and social structures, found it utterly impossible to take action against such massive military forces. The best they could do was wave their AKs and drive their fishing boats—at most vessels of a small cargo ship calibre—to intimidate merchants.

Just knowing that it was a warship was enough to deter them.