[Sergeant Morton, remember that son of a bitch with the Will Cannon? You took him out while I dealt with his lackeys, but a few slipped through the cracks.]
[They hired a bunch of mercenaries from somewhere, really tough guys. They ambushed my crew while they were out collecting protection fees, killed over a dozen of my men.]
[And that's not all. There are two warehouses on Martin Luther King Avenue and Branton Street. One is mine, the other belongs to some company...]
[They're both under our protection!]
[This business can't go on unless we take out these bastards, they're robbing under the Six Street Gang's banner! They're saying all future protection fees go to them. Does that sound right to you?]
[I'm here right now, goddammit... Hurry up, I'm barely holding them off!]
[Address: Dewdrop Inn (Martin Luther King Avenue)]
"So, what's this about working for oneself?"