Chapter 349: The Past of the Six Street Gang

They walked into the event venue, with most of the people around discussing the gunshot incident at the Dewdrop Inn.

Everyone had heard the explosion, loud enough to make people think something like the Watson District explosion had happened in Saint Domingo, creating widespread panic.

There were also some bizarre things happening.

"Thanks for your boyfriend's contribution to the United States' unity. He died bravely in the terrorist attack on Martin Luther King Street.

According to our investigation, you're this boy's last living relative... Tsk, based on his rank, the compensation is 500 euros in total.

Have you received it? Huh?"

V saw a Six Street Gang member distributing "death compensation" on the side of the street. It seemed a lot of Six Street Gang guys were indeed taken out in the Dewdrop Inn incident.

But there's actual compensation?

The Six Street Gang soldier looked quite impatient, for a simple reason: a man was standing next to this "widow."