Chapter 368: Commission: The Dream Continues

The matter of Blais's official business was next.

The Interferer ceased operating, and everything returned to normal.

"I don't have authentic information in my database, and identities of several mercenaries are quite suspicious," he said.

As time arrived, Blais smoothly transitioned into work mode, even exhaling the smoke he'd drawn without it reaching his lungs.

In this way, the biometric Prosthetics wouldn't detect any significant change in nicotine levels, any slight variation could be explained by the gang areas where everyone smokes, attributing it all to secondhand smoke exposure.

Lille cooperated, "How suspicious exactly?"

"Cyber surveillance has its own intelligence network, some people shouldn't have passed through the European Union borders, which is not normal," Blais replied.

Putting aside the fact he was a killer of the Gold scion, this sniper was still an internationally wanted criminal with an exceedingly high internal threat level.