A century prior, the renowned Water Moon Pirate had delved into the Mystic Flower Treasured Bible, and his agility had become unparalleled among the nations. Utilizing his swiftness, the Water Moon Pirate infiltrated the vaults of numerous factions, pilfering their treasures. His speed was so legendary that not even the True Lord Ranks could thwart him. This particular technique was exceptional for evasion and defense, with multiple doppelgangers flitting about in a blur, creating chaos from which Bobby could launch a surprise attack.
By integrating some of the essence from the Mystic Flower Treasured Bible into his Lightning Inheritance, Bobby had crafted a distinctive combat style. The Lightning Inheritance remained his core, yet the cold sweat on Tyler's brow was evidence of the terror Bobby's velocity instilled. Even with spiritual perception, Tyler struggled to locate Bobby amidst the spectral illusions.