Chapter 27 Join! Yaya Adventure Group

Ya'er excitedly greeted everyone to sit at the table, introducing her team members to Lis.

"This is Lunbos Iron Hammer, a Black Iron Dwarf Shield Guard, our team's vanguard. Despite his old appearance, he's actually only in his thirties, just reaching adulthood!"

The Dwarf named Lunbos Iron Hammer had already heartily downed a large mug of barley beer, casually wiping off the white foam that stuck to his beard, and said discontentedly:

"Hey, hey, Ya'er, it's not appropriate to talk about me like that in front of others!"

Ya'er made a face at Lunbos and then started introducing the others.

"This beautiful big sister here is Alina, an Elf Ranger, our team's Scout. Sister Alina was a great help when I registered as a mercenary."

The blonde Elf sitting next to Ya'er nodded at Lis, her demeanor a bit cold.

"The last person, Lis, you should have met before, Arsen Hade, like me, is of the Warrior profession."

Arsen looked at Lis, saying warmly:

"I'm pleased to meet you, Viscount Kane."

Since the other person was so polite, Lis also greeted this distinguished descendant of Duke Hade's family with equal cordiality.

"Likewise, Arsen Hade. Duke Hade has always been a senior I greatly admire."

Lis wasn't just making conversation; Duke Hade was among the most venerated of the Court Nobles, also deeply trusted by His Majesty the King.

"Eh, Lis, you are a noble? I can't tell at all!"

Lunbos said bluntly, seemingly unconcerned if his words were somewhat rude.

"Just a hereditary court title."

Lis didn't mind; the Dwarf Clan always spoke so straightforwardly, something he had experience with from his previous life.

Alina also sized up Lis but seemed to carry a hint of hostility in her eyes.

Ya'er, slightly annoyed, slapped the table; she hadn't introduced Lis yet!

"This is Lis Kain, someone I knew before, and we ran into each other today at the Mercenary Guild. He's a Bronze Mage."

Ya'er looked around with pride, tilting her smooth, rounded face with delight:

"But from today, he's my apprentice! I'm impressive, right!"

Lis helplessly tapped on the table with his index finger, saying:

"I remember I just wanted to learn a weapon from you, how did I become your apprentice?"

Ya'er waved her hand nonchalantly, "Oh well, it's all the same, I teach you, which means I'm your teacher, which means you're my apprentice, no problem!"

Finally encountering someone capable of saving her stomach, how could she easily let go!

"Lis made all these dishes, oh, they taste so good. I've decided, from now on, when we go out on missions, cooking will be Lis's job!"

Lis listened as Ya'er arranged everything about him crystal clear, somewhat helpless.

Of course, he wouldn't refuse, a golden opportunity being handed right to him; he couldn't let it slip past not to honor the memories of his past life.

But he still felt it strange, as if he had suddenly been sold off.

Yet, does this count as him officially stepping up to become a leg accessory?

"He's joining our adventure team, when did this happen?"

The quiet Elf beauty suddenly spoke up, staring at Ya'er.

"Haha, ah ha ha..."

Clearly, this was an impromptu idea by Ya'er, not yet discussed with the team members.

But as Lunbos continued to chug one mug of beer after another, he didn't care whether Lis was joining the team or not.

As for Arsen, it seemed he wanted to say something too, but after thinking it over, he realized he had never succeeded in stopping Ya'er's ideas before, and reluctantly gave up.

"Oh, Alina sister, the dishes Lis makes are really delicious, you should try them!"

The Elf glanced at the table full of meat dishes, and aside from a simple vegetable and fruit salad, everything else was meat, which left the always vegetarian Alina somewhat speechless.

What do you want me to try?

Ya'er seemed to realize the problem too. She embarrassedly feigned ignorance, giggled, and started to coax Alina by shaking her arm:

"But the dishes Lis makes are really tasty, Ya'er doesn't want to eat those hard, dry rations anymore. Let's let Lis join us, please?"

Alina looked helplessly at the pitiful Ya'er and said helplessly:

"He's just a Junior Mage, right? It might be dangerous if he joins us on adventures."

"I will protect him well!" Ya'er confidently patted her chest and declared.

Alina felt a headache coming on. She was reluctant to abruptly let someone she barely knew join the team, but seeing Ya'er's pitiful look, her heart softened.

Ya'er never complained or showed fatigue during adventures. Although she was stronger than herself, Alina had always treated Ya'er as a younger sister.

"Alright, alright, stop shaking me; I agree, isn't that enough?"

"That's great!"

Without even asking for Arsen's opinion (status down by 1), Ya'er raised her glass filled with juice and loudly said:

"Then let's welcome Lis to our adventure team!"

Lis sincerely showed a pleased expression, toasted with Lunbos with a glass of beer, and invited everyone to start enjoying the feast.

Ya'er and Lunbos couldn't hold back any longer and immediately started eating.

"Mmm~, this is so good!" Ya'er bit fiercely into a piece of specially prepared cold meat with sauce, her eyes widening in surprise.

Lunbos also couldn't stop praising Lis's cooking skills, whereas Arsen's expression was a bit strange, but his eating pace wasn't slower than anyone else's.

Even Alina was moved by the fruit pudding Lis specially made for her, and her gaze towards Lis softened a bit.

"By the way, Ya'er, is our team structured as an adventure team?"

"Oh right, I haven't introduced you to it yet!"

Ya'er snatched the last Golden Shrimp Ball from Lunbos's hand, savored it contentedly, and then began to introduce it to Lis.

"The type of team we registered is an adventure team, named Ya'er Adventure Group. The commissions we mostly take on are exploratory and mercantile escort kinds, and although there are only four of us... now five including you, our name is quite well known at the Mercenary Guild!"

Commissions issued by the Mercenary Guild can be completed individually or in the form of a Mercenary Group, but most high-level commissions are exclusive to mercenary groups because, comparatively speaking, independent mercenaries cannot cover all aspects like a team. One should know that accidents can happen anytime on the road while completing commissions.

Based on the type of commission a Mercenary Group undertakes, there are different classifications.

For instance, there are Mercenary Corps that take war commissions, Guardian Groups that mainly accept guard commissions, and so forth.

The Ya'er Adventure Group is one of the more unique types.

Generally speaking, becoming a mercenary is for earning commissions to enjoy a better life.

But there's a group of people who aren't like that; they are keen on exploring the world's secrets, discovering unknown and marvelous domains, and enjoy the thrill of navigating through relics and perilous situations, undeterred by the dangers they face.

Of course, obtaining more precious treasures is also a reward for their bravery.

Such adventure groups usually undertake national or Mercenary Association issued exploratory domain tasks and long-distance trading convoy escort missions.

In times without commissions, they also proactively venture into unexplored relics and similar places, spending most of their time traveling.

However, they probably wouldn't take on tasks too far from the Royal Capital, right?

Given Ya'er's status, the Kingdom likely wouldn't let her stray too far from the Royal Capital!