Chapter 382: Blending In

Twenty minutes ago, Wen Wen, clad in a cloak, glided to a window like a bat and silently opened it to enter this office building. He could sense that the strongest fear was emanating from here.

Following the scent of fear, Wen Wen found the office where ghost stories were being told in turns.

The moment he saw those guys, he knew that among these dozens of people, only eleven were human; the rest were some sort of odd entities.

Taking turns telling ghost stories—such a scene was fitting only if real ghosts were involved. Yet these thirty-odd entities were neither ghosts nor exotic creatures from the Inner World, nor even puppets.

They seemed more like something made up of controllable superpower, obeying some entity's commands to scare people for fun.

Yes, in Wen Wen's eyes, these entities were merely scaring people. They were no different from Meng Chun, who started the storytelling because Wen Wen did not sense any malice from these entities, only a sense of practical jokes.