Chapter 247: Go and Bring Your Uncle Hu Here

Some people sympathized, others felt sorry for him.

Some were just there for the excitement and didn't mind if things escalated, while others cheered and shouted encouragement.

But regardless of who it was, everyone was certain Wang Xiaolong was bound to lose without a doubt!

Because those who charged at him were all laborers from the village, accustomed to hard work.

They usually either carried large stones regularly or helped with loading and unloading heavy items.

Their arm strength was no exaggeration; they could easily shoulder a two or three-hundred-pound sack with ease.

Their fists, toughened into callouses, were like hammers.

As for Wang Xiaolong, he had never been seen doing heavy labor, and with the recent years of playing the fool, his physique was definitely poor.

At that moment, any one of the strong men could easily knock him down with a rush, not to mention seven or eight burly men taking action together.