Chapter 445: The Agreement

Upon hearing this, Wang Xiaolong furrowed his brows in deep thought.

After a long while, he finally said, "This speech is too obscure to understand, but generally, it seems to be a hint for your future path.

However, if it is dissected and fully comprehended, it's extremely difficult, much like the words 'red dragon' and 'celestial of the rocky peak,' which are hard to connect with anyone or anything in reality."

Su Xiaoyao gave a bitter smile and said, "Yes, after pondering for many years, these two terms are still beyond my comprehension. As for the rest, I too only understand them partially."

Wang Xiaolong frowned and said, "Interpreting it literally, it seems to suggest that you should ascend a certain mountain peak on the seventh day of the seventh month, where you could then change your fate or encounter an opportunity.