Wang Xiaolong asked curiously, "What's the reason?"
Li Qiao'er began, "Firstly, I'm a widow, and not just any widow, but one labelled with the stigma of bringing death to her man.
This fact, whether you care about it or not, is indelible and confirms that I can never be a perfect woman.
Since I'm not perfect, how could I possibly demand perfection from you?"
"Secondly, a real scumbag is someone who is insatiably greedy and unwilling to take responsibility. Although you are also greedy, your greed is genuine and not hidden.
Moreover, you are responsible and carry a strong sense of duty. I firmly believe that whether it's me or any other woman who has made up her mind to be with you, we all understand this very clearly.
Furthermore, we can be certain that you will sincerely treat us well and provide the life we desire!"
As she spoke, Li Qiao'er gently cupped Wang Xiaolong's cheeks, saying tenderly, "Affection is complicated if you dwell on it,