Chapter 11 Taming a Wolf

Lu Yuan thought it over several times but did not choose to drive away the wolf that had followed him.

He was too lonely, having talked to himself for three whole days.

In fact, many times, he was too lazy to speak.

But he had to talk to himself.

Because a kind of indescribable numbness was slowly creeping up his spirit.

This numb feeling, how should I put it… it was like walking into a dead end, uncontrollably giving up on oneself, feeling like one simply couldn't survive, with a future full of difficulties, as if dense darkness surrounded the body, gripping the throat.

The unimaginable decay and panic surged up in his spirit like a tide, and although Lu Yuan had tried his best to control his emotions, human willpower was severely limited compared to the vast, cruel reality.

He was too lonely. No one could understand this monumental, oceanic solitude.

What could relieve his worries?

Only… a sister!

Lu Yuan believed that if a cute girl were to descend from the sky, perhaps he would no longer feel so lonely.

But sisters only existed in fantasies; currently, raising a dog seemed like the best option, at least providing someone to talk to, and giving himself something to do.

"Sigh, let it be… If you want to be a dog, I'll give you the chance."

He did not drive away the wolf that had followed him.

After returning to the familiar shelter, Lu Yuan placed all his spoils properly and started a fire.

"Crackle and pop!" The vigorous flames were very comforting.

The steel-reinforced concrete house also provided a sufficient sense of security.

Lu Yuan did not close the door.

The Head Wolf paced outside the door, not daring to come in.

He chopped off the fish head with an axe and began to make fish soup.

He also filleted the big fish and placed it on an iron plate to grill. This was genuine wild game, and the rich aroma of the fish gradually spread.

Now Old Wolf became anxious, whining lowly outside the door, its voice somewhat shrill, continuously begging for a bite to eat.

It also didn't dare enter the shelter, merely wagging its tail ceaselessly, looking very pitiful.

Lu Yuan temporarily ignored it.

Wolves have a hierarchical system, where high-level wolves possess privileges like mating rights, the right to eat first, the right to discipline subordinates, and so on.

As a superior, he needed to eat his fill first before he could spare some for this fellow.

Otherwise, if the roles were reversed, he would suffer in the future.

Many dogs, those that guard their food, don't obey, bark fiercely at people, or even bite are due to a reversed sense of hierarchy.

These dogs consider themselves the leader and treat humans as their underlings.

Lu Yuan's life was singular, and in this environment, a reversal of roles could be deadly; he could not afford to be careless.

Soon, bubbles began to gurgle in the tin box, and the fish soup slowly turned milky white, emitting a rich aroma.

Adding a few wild plants made it even more colorful and fragrant.

As for the grilled fish, it was also done; its skin, having been meticulously grilled, turned an enticing golden brown, slightly glossy, appearing particularly tempting.

Lu Yuan took a light sniff, tore a piece with his teeth, and the fish meat revealed its tender, juicy interior, releasing an appetizing aroma.

The fish was exquisitely tender and delicious, with a full texture, both crispy from grilling yet smooth, offering an endless aftertaste.

"The game flavor is full, but it lacks some seasonings, a bit fishy…" Lu Yuan murmured softly, "Tomorrow I'll look in the ruins; just finding some salt would do. A ruin this big surely can't be without any salt."

"Plants that can remove fishiness should also be findable."

He then began to chastise himself for his greedy behavior.

A few days ago, eating a spider leg had satisfied him to smiles and to the utmost happiness.

Today, having grilled fish and boiled fish, he was complaining about the flavor not being rich enough.

Humans are such creatures who are never satisfied, the pursuit of a better life perhaps being the driving force behind human progress...

If he found the seasonings, what would he want next?

Daring not to think further, he could no longer entertain such thoughts.

After savoring the meal, Lu Yuan placed the leftover scraps into a box.

He deliberately cooked two fish and brought them to Old Wolf, who was drooling nonstop.

This creature was clever, seemingly accepting its lower status without fighting or snatching for food. It barked a bit at the start but then just watched silently from outside the door.

It sniffed the warm bowl of food and looked at Lu Yuan, appearing a bit puzzled.

Its one eye narrowed twice.

Is this really edible for a wolf?

It feels like a basin of slops?

I need tasty, delicious food!

"Eat it or leave, your choice," Lu Yuan said with a cold laugh, "there are so many animals in the world, surely I can find another pet."

It struggled for a while but ultimately gave in and tried a few licks.

The next second, its one eye showed a surprised expression, and it howled. What is this... it actually tastes pretty good?

Thus, it wolfed down the food voraciously, soon licking the bowl clean and even burped contentedly.

Ah, delightful!

For all one knew, a wolf could possess such a rich array of expressions.

And it was even easier to satisfy than Lu Yuan.

Its previously drooping tail began to wag again.

"You, Human, changed your mind? Let me touch, or get lost!"

It was still a bit cautious, sniffing at Lu Yuan's approaching hand.

Lu Yuan's movements were as gentle as possible, murmuring, "Don't bite me, or I'll have to stew dog meat."

Eventually, he successfully stroked its furry head, which honestly felt prickly and even slightly stinky.

It endured the contact.

It accepted it.

Hold on, keep your paws to yourself, won't you?

Old Wolf's single eye widened, surprised. Being stroked felt unexpectedly good?

So, it began to enjoy the stroking more and more, becoming more dog-like...


Thus, the arrival of Old Wolf brought a sense of fun to Lu Yuan's life.

Even though this creature was only good for eating and relieving itself, it had some use, which was better than being completely useless.

It was a lively life, and training it was particularly interesting, making Lu Yuan feel like a normal human again.

Within just a week, Lu Yuan had not only stroked its head but also its hairy butt. That tail was indeed prickly, like tough palm leaves, not very comfortable to stroke.

Only the fur on its belly was relatively soft.

In passing, he also picked some fleas off of it, flicking them away with his fingernails with a satisfying "crack", which was especially relieving.

"Awoo!" Old Wolf displayed an uncomfortable face, wrinkling its nose, and growled ferociously.

Come on, I am a wolf, buddy, do you even know that wolves are sacred?

And you're still touching!

Why are you still touching?!

Today, I shall become a resentful wolf!

"Awoo awoo awoo." Old Wolf grew restless, emitting a menacing sound from its throat.

Lu Yuan smacked its head even more fiercely and pulled out a small fish: "Kneel down!"

Seeing the small fish, Old Wolf immediately sat down, its face all appeasing.