Chapter 25: Safety Statements and Abandonment of Development

Professor Edward continued, "The so-called Safe Zone is located at the edge of the city and about 50 kilometers above it. We can see a thin Light Screen that has protected us. This Light Screen acts like a protective barrier."

"Except for electromagnetic waves, no material can penetrate this Light Screen."

Professor Zhang Hui of Yunhai City pressed a button and interjected, "I would like to add that most materials can actually pass through the Safe Zone in the form of molecules, such as water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and so on."

"The water from the lakes can also enter the Safe Zone."

Edward was taken aback, "Indeed... However, we still need to test to determine how large the molecules that can pass through the Safe Zone are."

"The rate at which time passes in the Pangu Continent is a hundred times that inside the Safe Zone."

"Only a national referendum to abolish the Safe Zone would make this Light Screen disappear; at the same time, the rate of time passage would return to normal."

A hundredfold time flow rate makes observing the outside world from the Safe Zone look like watching a fast-forward movie: plants grow at a visibly insane rate; the flight speed of birds surpasses the speed of sound, faster than intercontinental missiles; insects are like missiles themselves."

"We have observed many ordinary plants and animals on the Pangu Continent."

"But we have also observed a few extraordinary species..."

Upon hearing this, Li Chunhong and Professor Zhang Hui exchanged glances.

In the room, a Colonel from the military asked, "Professor Zhang, how is this time passage controlled?"

Professor Zhang gave a wry smile, "This question really goes beyond the current understanding abilities of science..."

"I can only answer from the perspective of a science fiction novel. I once read a novel named 'Three-Body' which has a concept called a safemode declaration, a low-light-speed black hole."

"In a civilization within a low-light-speed black hole, the speed of light is reduced and the ratio of time passage is different from the outside world. They protect themselves from threats by foregoing development, letting all be left to fate."

"But is safemode truly safe? Perhaps not entirely... when the universe faces destruction, the civilizations within the safemode will be destroyed as well."

"We seem to be in a similar predicament."

Li Chunhong understood and nodded slightly, saying softly, "What are the risks on the Pangu Continent? Could you all share some insights?"

This time, various participating civilizations each expressed their views, actively engaging in the discussion.

Sharing information was the only way they could cooperate.

A few photos appeared on the screen.

One of the photos captured a cloud, dark as night, resembling a rotting black human head with hollow eye sockets quietly watching over the Safe Zone.

This was not a real cloud or a human head, but an unknown supernatural phenomenon.

"It appeared near Bui Saint Paul of the 15th Civilizational Branch... It seems to be contagious, dyeing the surrounding air grey-black as well, spanning over an area of more than 120 square kilometers."

"Due to the time ratio outside the Safe Zone being a hundred times that of Earth, it watched over the Pangu Continent for about 12 days, and then it left."

12 days, which equated to 2.88 hours."

"I want to ask, has any city brought nuclear bombs?" Bui Saint Paul is the capital of a major country in South America, and even the president had been transported here.

Although it is the capital, the national power limits significant military capability."

However, no one responded to this question.

"Did we bring any?" Li Chunhong asked in a low voice.

"No... we only have some conventional weapons."

"Which coastal city has nuclear bombs deployed..." said a Colonel with a stern face.

"If we mined uranium from the Pangu Continent, could we make one?"

"The construction of an atomic bomb isn't difficult. Our Yunhai City still has some industrial capability, but currently, it's not possible; we lack electricity and a centrifuge."

Everyone was silent, somewhat anxious.

Another photo captured something resembling a dandelion.

The professor from the city spoke, "This mysterious dandelion is also contagious."

"Once fish and birds from the outside are stuck with the white hair, they become contaminated, similarly growing a lot of white hair, and exhibiting zombie characteristics."

Monsters of this sort could be dealt with using thermal weapons.

But these contagious elements, how can they be tackled?

At least from the current perspective, there are no solutions!

"Ladies and gentlemen, true democracy has finally emerged."

"If a city actually gets its Safe Zone rescinded due to a popular vote, please share the information. We would also like to know whether these wandering monsters will launch attacks."

In the conference room, everyone's expression soured, for the crowd was a chaotic mob, many of whom were frantically voting to rescind the Safe Zone... These people would only know regret when death loomed close.


Everyone tacitly ignored the question of who "God" really was...

After all, all present were the upper echelons, well aware that religion was merely a tool of governance.

Moreover, God had shown no inclinations.

God was not an anthropomorphized entity; it was the law of the world's operation.

Debating with scripture? Please, that's something to be done in front of reporters, real behind-closed-doors conversations never touch on such matters.

Next, Professor Zhang Hui from Yunhai City took the stage and delivered another piece of information.

Professor Zhang Hui cleared his throat, "Ladies and gentlemen, hello."

"Since entering the Pangu Continent, the meteorites possessed by various cities have unlocked some new features."

"This circular artifact might be a gift from God or it could be an artifact from an advanced civilization from a previous Epoch on the Pangu Continent."

"For unknown reasons, it crashed on our Earth."

"One of the screens suddenly lit up a few hours ago, displaying a large amount of information. Just by pressing these few buttons in order, you can see this segment of information."

[Civilization Assistance Management Device, unable to detect network… Restarting… Please wait…]

[Time error…]

[Time realignment in progress… Realignment complete!]

[The current time is the Ninth Epoch of the Pangu Continent…]

This passage of text wasn't any human language, yet it seemed to directly act upon the soul, allowing one to understand.

Civilization Assistance Management Device?

The Ninth Epoch of the Pangu Continent?

Many leaders fell into deep thought.

But undoubtedly, the information contained was significant!

The text on the screen continued: [Current civilization: Human Civilization - Branch *.]

[Exploring the Ninth Epoch, displaying civilization milestone… Please wait…]

[1. End city chaos, become a stable civilization.]

[2. *...*&¥%??]

[3. Rescind Safe Zone, step towards Pangu Continent??]

[Unknown factors affecting… Database damaged, unable to explore, please explore on your own…]

What followed on the screen was a series of unintelligible characters.