All those past Milestones, Lu Yuan achieved them through his own merit, and so he has used them with a clear conscience!
Of course, the Qi Fortune accumulated by The Sha Li Clan of the Mandala Empire is truly that of the Human 18th Civilization, and he had no authority to use it.
That was also the main reason why he left Sky City, traveling over a thousand kilometers away.
In the instant that he absorbed this essence of Qi Fortune, the Chaos Essence Stone shook once more, the last missing piece now filled—it had transformed from a "lifeless object" to a "living thing"!
Nowadays, this stone finally displayed Divine Charm!
It began to evolve autonomously, transitioning from a state of acquired to innate.
Many indescribable Engraving structures formed spontaneously.
Unbeknownst to him, Lu Yuan inside fell asleep.
He slept incredibly soundly.
He was truly exhausted, having spent a full 33 days creating this stone body, pouring his heart and soul into it, utterly spent.