Chapter 109: The Uninvited Uncle Li

Indeed, a new category indeed required a new contract, and Zhao Guang had no choice in the matter.

Following his sister's car, he arrived directly at the main Golden Mansion store, where the lawyer had already prepared the contract.

With Zhao Guang's current memory and discernment abilities, he could nearly grasp everything at a glance, and he could tell there were no loopholes, at least none within his understanding.

Then Zhao Yan also had their lawyer review it once again, which then led to a battle of words.

Zhao Guang watched the two women fight over it, which was quite a sight, but also boring.

Women, how quickly they change. They had just been acting like best friends.

After a long while, the two women finally stopped, and the contract was re-drafted and prepared.

"Do you really need to go on like this, arguing back and forth when it's still the same terms," Zhao Guang said incredulously, not understanding what exactly they were doing.