Chapter 295: A Completely Different Style

Following that, Zhao Guang spent a night at the campsite.

Since it was his first time staying outdoors, Zhao Guang was very cautious that evening. Even Xi Fei, due to feeling somewhat uncomfortable with the new environment, didn't take the initiative to launch a night raid on Zhao Guang, which left him somewhat disappointed.

After a good night's sleep, Zhao Guang got up the next morning and released a vehicle.

"What is this thing?" Seeing it, both Yars and Ocoro's eyes widened.

"An off-road vehicle, it can go quite fast. Essential for traveling and the family."

Zhao Guang had also modified the off-road vehicle a bit, placing the Anti-Magic Crystal he used in the initial experiments near the engine. If it weren't for the presence of the Anti-Magic Domain, the vehicle would absolutely not be able to start.

Fortunately, the rules of mechanical linkage were not affected by Magic Elements.

"Can you sell some of these to us?"