After continuous probing, those so-called relatives from his old home finally realized that matters were not so simple.
As a result, Zhao Guang and his siblings did not live in their old home, and their parents were so bothered by them that they ended up going out to travel. The development of the village was entirely left to the people within the village.
With this separation, it became much harder to employ any tricks.
Not to mention, the person they sent was someone of unwavering impartiality.
Although some were able to contact Zhao Guang's family by various means, it was to no avail.
Zhao Guang's parents plainly stated they would not handle these matters and had no control over the company. Zhao Yan directly said that the company she managed had nothing to do with agricultural development; it was merely a trading company.
Some people could find their way to Zhao Guang, and he would tell them directly that he absolutely did not manage the company's affairs.