Having sailed all the way to the other side, Zhao Guang had set up these bridge piers along the way.
Although Zhao Guang had not studied bridge construction, many things are interrelated. The bridge piers he had created were not just adequate in load-bearing capacity, but had far exceeded the standards.
"Lord, what are those things for?"
By then, Elena, who had noticed the activity, was waiting with some people on the opposite shore.
"These? These are bridge piers, meant for the construction of a bridge later on."
Zhao Guang merely gave a brief explanation. On those piers, he had already reserved numerous spaces and the like for future modifications. Only the bridge deck was left, and everything else was much simpler.
If they couldn't complete the bridge with all this in place, then his engineers might as well go back and retrain.
Indeed, Zhao Guang was only responsible for solving these issues; other matters naturally required his subordinates' intervention.