Reasons For Choosing Ravenclaw

Ravenclaw common room

Ethan ignored the gazes of his roommates, Terry and the others, and walked in another direction.

"Senior, may I sit here?"

Ethan, holding the book Alternative Spells of Transfiguration, approached a quiet girl with black hair and black eyes who was reading on a sofa.

Typically, when there are no classes, Ravenclaw students like to read in the library or the common room, so there are not many empty seats.

If Ethan had to choose between sitting with his roommates or a senior, he preferred the company of the latter.

There is only one Asian at Hogwarts, and she is quite different from the one depicted in the movies, possessing a fresh and elegant beauty.

"Ah, please sit!"

The senior immediately moved aside to make room for Ethan.

Cho Chang, a sophomore who had been promoted this year, recognized Ethan, the "Hat's Dilemma" assigned to Ravenclaw.

Ethan didn't rush to talk and began browsing through the book he had just found in the Ravenclaw library.

Being able to publish a book and have it endure suggests that the author has a unique understanding of Transfiguration, and someone agrees with their views.

Meanwhile, Terry, Michael, and Gene were struggling with their parchment. The Transfiguration paper was due this Wednesday.

Although Ethan's explanation had helped them, the three were still unsure how to approach the paper.

They hoped Ethan might share his thoughts, which could provide some clues.

To their dismay, Ethan was engaging with the senior again. The three realized Ethan's true nature.

"Don't you have homework?"

Cho Chang closed her book and asked Ethan curiously, pointing to the other students.

Ravenclaw students typically complete their homework on the same day, unlike Gryffindors.

"Actually, I don't need to write it because I've already completed today's Transfiguration task."

Ethan replied with a smile, surprising Cho Chang.

She was a sophomore, and last year no one in her class could complete the transformation of a matchstick in the first class. She understood how difficult it was.

For her, it took until the second week, or the third class, to perfectly turn a matchstick into a needle. Her progress was quite rapid.

She was rightly called "Hat's Dilemma," with a talent so high that even the Sorting Hat was conflicted.

"Are you planning to join the Quidditch team ?"

Ethan noticed the book Flying with the Artillery Team in Cho Chang's hand, deducing it was related to Quidditch.

"Yes, the selection is coming up in a few days. I want to learn more Quidditch skills to improve my chances."

Cho Chang nodded. She was passionate about Quidditch and aimed to become a Seeker.

"With your skills, it's definitely possible."

Ethan said with certainty. In the original book, Cho Chang was a member of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team.

"I hope so!"

The three roommates observing Ethan couldn't help but shake their heads.

They were surprised by how quickly Ethan and the senior became acquainted.

Was the senior so easy to charm? They began to question Ethan's placement in Ravenclaw.

They had heard that as a "Hat's Dilemma," Ethan possessed traits from multiple houses.

Among Ravenclaw and other houses, Ravenclaw seniors were regarded as the most discerning.

After all, no other house received more love letters than Ravenclaw.


The afternoon class was History of Magic.

After the morning's Transfiguration class, Harry and Ron finally arrived on time.

Before Ethan's arrival, the two had already clashed with Draco Malfoy.

Had it not been for the inappropriate timing, they might have fought.

Ethan's intervention had only intensified their rivalry compared to the original story.

Before sitting down, Ethan greeted Hermione and Cassandra.

Cassandra nodded. Among all Hogwarts classmates, only Ethan was her rival, leading her to treat him differently.

If others greeted her, they might be ignored.

Hermione, however, responded with a huff. She recalled seeing Ethan and the Ravenclaw female head talking and laughing together that morning, and by noon, it was replaced by an Asian girl.

Obviously, she had come first!

Yet, every time they met, she was either called out for her prominent teeth or her front teeth.

The bell rang, and a very old ghost floated in.

Now Ethan understood why History of Magic was considered the most boring class. Professor Cuthbert Binns' deep voice was almost hypnotic. He neither asked questions nor cared about students' activities, merely reading from the textbook.

Less than ten minutes into the class, at least a third of the students had already laid down. The rest were either whispering or playing wizard chess on parchment. Few paid attention to the lecture.

History could be fascinating, particularly the magical history of Hogwarts' founders, significant events over the past millennium, the development of the wizarding world, and the impact of the anti-witch movement in the Middle Ages.

Unfortunately, Professor Binns made History of Magic dull.

Ethan also rested with his eyes closed, preparing for that night's night tour.

When the class ended, Professor Binns left on time, not forgetting to assign homework.


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