Learning Sword

İts been 3 years since I got reincarnated into this world.I've gotten used to live here.But since I got older I started to get bored.Because even now all I'm doing is play with Norn all day.

So today I'm going to ask my father to train me with sword.İt was like other night we were eating dinner.Then I suddenly asked

"Dad can I use sword like you?"

"Oh,do you want your father to teach you?"Paul said with a huge smile

"My dear Akio is still too young for that"Zenith said

"I want it please teach me dad"Akio said

No matter how hard Zenith tried at last they decided my dad to teach me.I was so excited,finnaly I was so interested in to that.

Next day we were at the garden with wooden swords.

"Listen me carefully Akio,you can never use this sword training to bully someone,just for the protect the weak,got it?"Paul said

"Yes dad I promise"Akio said

"Alright,There are 3 main sword styles exist,these are;Sword god style,Water god style and North god style,and there are ranks based on your skill to them,elementery,intermediate,advanced,king,emperor and god"Paul said

"Wow there are so much to study after all,so how strong are you dad?"Akio said

"Your dad is advanced at all 3 styles but ofc I'm strong as atleast a saint"Paul said

"Wait so how does it work so you are advanced at skill but strong as saint?"Akio

"Thats right,your rank is based on if you can use that ranked techniques"Paul said

"I think I got it"Akio said

"Alright,watch me closely"Paul said

He suddenly attacked a nearby rock with huge speed and slashed it.And the next thing,that huge rock was cut in half.I was terrified,so can I be that strong?I asked myself

"What do you think?"Paul said

"That was awesome dad I want to do it"Akio said

"Not so fast,firstly we have to get your body stronger,from today you will swing your sword like this 200 times per day."Paul said

And he started to swing his sword normally.Man I'm dissappointed I thought I could handle it.Well there is nothing we can do lets start to work

After that day father started to teach me history of sword and styles.Ofc I was doing my practice every until my body gets strong enough.But I think I have to learn reading and writing to,it should be good If I learn such thing before school.İf schools exist in this world.So little help from my mom and help from the books at home I was learning slow and steady

But Norn...She is so asocial she barely talks to someone,especially me.Like what is wrong with her.I offered her for studying with me but she refused and started to cry.I felt bad for her.

Anyways today I'm learning the history from my father.He is talking about Perugius The Legandery Hero and his 12 guards about how they defeated Laplace,The Technique god while at the war beetwen humans and demons.So there are demons in this world huh.

"So dad how strong was this Perugius and Laplace"Akio said

"They were ranked as gods the top tier.Even I can't hit a single blow of them."Paul said

"God tier ha,magic has its rankings to like sword?"Akio said

"Yeah,did you know that also your brother is saint level at magic?"Paul said with smile

"Brother? Oh yeah I had a brother right,but wait did you said saint?Even you are advanced in sword dad,but he is saint?Wow he should be so strong"Akio said

"He became saint level magician at the age of 5,thats never been heard at anywhere.But still I would beat him tho"Paul said it with smile

"Yeah yeah whatever you say"Akio said

İts been 3 months since I started my practice I think I should atleast start to training now.I will ask my dad when will I start.While I was swinging my sword I suddenly asked my dad near to me:

"Hey dad when will you start the training,I want to learn the techniques now"Akio said

"There is not much to left be patient"Paul said

I entered the house.Then my mom brought me a towel and said

"Your are working hard aren't you Akio"Zenith said

"Yes mom I will be strong enough to protect my family"Akio said

"Aww you are so cute,thank you Akio"Zenith said

And she started ro squeezing my cheeks and took me to the bath.Well since my family is died so early in my previus life I was trying to be cute afterall because these days will never comeback again,unless I reincarnate again.

1 more week has been passed.I finished my practice and headed to home but suddenly my father shouted my name:

"Akio,you are ready we can start to learn the techniques now"Paul said

"Really?Finnaly,I'm coming"Akio said

"So firstly we need to figure out which style fits you more"Paul said

Then father started to show me elementery techniques of each style.I tried every one of them.But neither my Sword god style and Water god style techniques didnt gone well.Now its turn for the North god style.I tried the technique at a huge rock,then a huge cut appeared on Rock.

"Looks like North god style fits you more."Paul said

North god style huh.Well I heard from my dad that North god style users mostly use their agility and slashing,their goal is to find out how to win a fight best way.

"Well then lets start to North god techniques"Paul said

North god style to think of it If I had to choose I would choose this one since it pretty fits my character.

While we were practacing I saw Norn watching us from the corner.I ran to her and said:

"Norn come and look what can I do"Akio said with excitement

"B-but isn't it dangerous?"Norn said with fear in her eyes

"Oh come on just come and look"Akio said

Then I took her hand and pulled her into the garden.She didnt want very much but I did that for her own good.She wasnt even get out from the house.Dad saw us and smiled.I showed what I learned from my father.She watched me and seemed excited.

After that day we started to play like normal kids in garden.I'm happy that Norn finnaly communicated with me.At night We were at the bedroom.our parents were reading stories to us.After a few story we both fell a sleep.

Like any other day my routine was simple.Wake up,do breakfast,play with Norn,Practice sword,practice with books for reading and writing.I loved this new world and my new family.

After a month My dad said that I can now learn inferdimente level techniques.after all that training for just to inferdimente level huh.But I heard from my father that inferdimente level at my age is incredible so I guess its okay.

So the technique Im going to learn is"sword throwing"Father said that this technique is only belongs to North god style.But what kind of technique is that.How is throwing the sword could called a technique.İts better be a joke.Anyways since I have nothing to do,I need to watch it closely.

"This technique is actually harder and important than you think Akio.You need to throw at the right speed and right direction with full concentration or else it would be just a normal throw.Now watch closely"Paul said

And threw the wooden sword to the rock.İt went with huge speed and cut the rock in half,just like how he did when he showed me the first techniques.I was shocked how can he do it with just a throw.Now I'm excited.I took my sword with excitement and threw it.But it just hit the rock and fell down.I'm dissappointed

"Dont be sad,like I said its harder than it looks so get to the training"Paul said

So its been another week.I think I'm ready now.I woke up like other days and did my routine.But before playing with Norn I practiced and get ready to do the technique

"Alright bring it on"Paul said

I threw it.but unfortunetly it didnt cut the rock in half.But a huge slash were on the rock.I looked at my father with dissapointment but he said:

"That was successful,congratulations Akio you are intermediate ranked swordman now"Paul said with a smile

And today I took a good step for being a strong swordman.