65: Suzumiya Chisato’s Clever Plan

Chisato lay in bed, his gaze clear as he stared at the ceiling, entering a peaceful and calm state.

All his worries seemed to vanish in that moment, along with his desires.

In the current state, it's possible to think clearly about many things.

In the simulated life, he fell into a trap carefully set by Utaha.

That devious woman first pretended to be anxious, claiming that she was being followed by a scary stalker. She used a pitiful, helpless appearance to stir up his protective instincts.

Then, she naturally proposed that we pretend to be a couple. Starting from the way home after school, we began holding hands and engaging in physical contact.

Once we got home, she used the excuse of needing to wash her hands to go to the bathroom, where she had prepared stockings to further use her natural advantages to stir my hormones.

Afterwards, she pretended to fall asleep, allowing me to carry her to the bedroom. 

During this, she brought up the idea of staying overnight because she was scared of being alone at home with the "stalker" still around.

She made a series of well-planned requests and tricks.

Even though he figured out her plan halfway through, it was of no use.

Under Utaha's tactics, our relationship in the simulated life was officially established.

This time, it wasn't about him deceiving her or catching her in a trap; from the start, she had set her sights on him and made a decisive move after a brief pause.

With Utaha attacking with all her might, using her body as a weapon, who could resist?

Chisato felt troubled thinking about this.

The reason for his unease was that he anticipated once this simulation ended smoothly, Utaha might soon come knocking on his door in real life.

He could distinguish clearly between simulation and reality, but that didn't mean she could do the same. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been stalking him like she did today.

He didn't mind some romantic luck falling into his lap, but if someone came at him with marriage in mind from the start, it would only frighten him.

He was still a high school student. If possible, he wanted to naturally experience one or more sweet and sour phases of youth.

He wanted to make friends with many girls, rather than being bound to one person before even starting, and then being dragged off to get married once he turned eighteen, according to new Japanese laws.

Even if the person was as attractive as Utaha, it wasn't acceptable.

Having just experienced the release of his desires and hormones, Chisato now even felt that Utaha, dressed in black stockings and lying on him, making cat-like sounds and actively seeking kisses, didn't really impress him.

It was… okay. Not to the point of being sick of it, but he didn't feel she was indispensable.

With this mindset, Chisato recalled his initial thoughts before the simulation started.

He wanted Utaha and Eriri to stop following him.

Given the current situation, what actions could make them lose interest in him in real life while still retaining their memories of the simulation?

In his sage mode, Chisato had a clear idea, and the faint notion he had been pondering began to take shape.

After much contemplation, he finally found the right solution!

Overjoyed, he jumped out of bed, not even putting on slippers, and ran to the corner where his dark companion was sleeping. He excitedly petted the sleeping creature.

Satisfied, he returned to bed, leaving his dark companion dazed and confused at the edge of his little nest.

[The morning light fell on you, and you felt a tickle on your nose. As you open your eyes, you see Kasumigaoka Utaha, who made you a man last night, smiling shyly and softly.] 

[She gently brushes her hair against your nose, causing the tickling sensation.]

[Seeing you awake, her smile becomes even more radiant, breathtakingly beautiful.]

[She wraps her arms around your neck, her toes lightly brushing your leg.] 

She speaks tenderly, "From now on, please take care of me. I hope we can always be happy together, my dear junior, my love."

[Simple, direct words of affection are often the most moving.] 

[Touched, you gaze at her, seeing the love in her wine-red eyes, and your heart beats faster, eager to respond to her declaration of love.]

[So, you say…]

[1. "Please take care of me as well, my dear senior, my love."]

[2. "Enough talking, we still have some time. Let's go again."]

[3. "What are you saying? Are you some old-fashioned person? It's modern times now. It can't just be the two of us. Come on, get up and get ready for school."]

Chisato grins.

Just as he expected, the simulation options wouldn't force him into a single choice.

With his goal in mind, he immediately chooses the third option.

[Facing Kasumigaoka Utaha's affectionate gaze, you gently tuck her hair behind her ear and give her a quick kiss on the cheek. When she opens her eyes to look at you again…]

[You smile and casually say,] 

"What are you talking about, senior? Are you some ancient person? There's no way it's just the two of us. Don't be silly; get up quickly. We have to go to school."

[Your casual words hit Kasumigaoka Utaha hard. Her face instantly turns pale as she stares blankly at you, getting out of bed without a second thought to get dressed.]

[Twenty minutes later, you leave Kasumigaoka Utaha's house.]

[That day, Kasumigaoka Utaha did not come to school.]

Perfect, just as planned!

Chisato watched the events unfold in the simulated life and was thrilled. This was exactly what he wanted.

If they still had feelings for him in the previous simulation, this time, they would see his true colors.

If they couldn't let go of a husband who loved only them, then how could they love a complete scoundrel who just wanted a harem?

They would surely come to hate him, even in real life, and lose interest forever!


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