79: The Music Room Performance

This wasn't an answer that satisfied Kazusa. Her increasingly displeased expression made that clear.

However, this displeasure only lasted a moment. Kazusa glanced towards the open window, her eyes brightening.

"Forget it."

True to her sharp and straightforward nature, Kazusa hated unnecessary complications and couldn't be bothered to press further on something so trivial.

What mattered was that she had been rescued, once again by the same person in front of her…

This was the third time now.

Chisato glanced at Kazusa and breathed a sigh of relief. Not having to fabricate a lie made him feel slightly more at ease.

He took two steps forward to the windowsill, leaning against it with his hands crossed over his chest, and asked her curiously,

"But if I hadn't found you, what were you planning to do?"

"I would've figured something out."

"Wait until the teachers do their evening rounds to rescue you?"

"…I wouldn't have had the patience to wait that long."

Caught off guard by him guessing her original plan, Kazusa averted her gaze, feeling a bit guilty.

For some reason, she felt embarrassed that he had figured out her thoughts so easily, so she lied.

She confidently pulled out her phone, which only had three contacts saved, and waved it slightly.

"I could've just called a teacher to come get me."

"I see, having your phone with you does make things a lot easier."

Chisato nodded in understanding.


Kazusa, feeling a wave of positive emotions welling up inside her that she couldn't control, clumsily tried to cover it up by taunting him.

"It's already halfway through class. If I go back now, the teacher will definitely ask a bunch of questions. Can I stay here until class ends?"

"Suit yourself."

"Well, thanks for that."

Chisato smiled, turning around to lean on the windowsill and gaze up at the sky.

'I should be the one thanking you.'

For a few seconds, Kazusa stared at his back, battling the urge to say thank you that was bubbling up inside her but stubbornly keeping her mouth shut.

In the end, that feeling didn't find an outlet and settled back down inside her.

The bright mood she had just felt now soured into frustration and despair at her own uselessness.

Sulking, Kazusa turned back to face the piano.

"Hey, you can see the back of the club building from here."

Kazusa took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of emotions within her, but Chisato's words threw her off balance again.

"I was just down there during lunch with a girl who had a guitar. Did you see us, Kazusa?"


"Really? She played the guitar too. If it weren't for the accident afterward, it would've been a pleasant lunchtime."


Who cares about your conversation with that girl?

Out of Chisato's sight, Kazusa's face grew darker, and her hands slowly clenched into fists on her lap.

"Kazusa, you transferred from the special music class to our class, right?"


"They say the students in that class are all pretty talented in music."

Musical talent… Kazusa thought back carefully. She didn't really see any difference between the students in her old class and those in her current class.

To her, they were all just ordinary people with heads, eyes, legs, and feet—nothing about them was special or worth her attention.


"I heard from Fukube that you're really skilled at playing the piano, Kazusa."

"Fukube? Who's that?"

"Our class president. He sits right in front of you on the right. You should at least remember that."

"You're no better than me."

Kazusa blurted out the words without realizing anything was wrong with them at first.

It wasn't until she heard Chisato's quiet laughter, followed by his barely contained amusement, that she realized how embarrassing her words were.

"It seems that's true."

Only then did she fully grasp how silly she sounded. But fortunately, the topic wasn't pursued any further.

"Can I try playing?"

"The piano?"

"There isn't anything else to play here, right?"


Kazusa, the owner of the first music room, stood up from the piano bench.

As she watched with a now more curious expression, Chisato sat down.

Kazusa's lips slowly curled into a smile, even though she tried her best to keep them pressed together. 

She couldn't help but reveal her amusement.

Whether it was the way Chisato immediately pressed down on the sustain pedal with his right foot or the way his uncooperative fingers cautiously touched the keys, it was clear he was a complete novice.

Kazusa became increasingly curious about what kind of tune someone with almost no knowledge of the piano would play.

After several cautious attempts, Chisato finally retrieved some distant and unfamiliar memory of the piano.

"Alright, I'll do my best."

Taking a deep breath, Chisato began his performance in an area where he clearly lacked skill.

The expensive classical piano produced a soft, drawn-out sound, with little strength, making it far from pleasant to listen to.

Yet despite this, Kazusa could tell that Chisato was quite serious as he continued to press the keys, using a two-fingered technique each time.

The performance, which lasted less than a minute, quickly came to an end.

Chisato turned around, his eyes full of anticipation, like a child eagerly seeking approval from a parent.

"How was it?"

"How was what?"

"Could you tell what piece I was playing?"

Kazusa had recognized it by the second note. It was a highly simplified version of "Ode to Joy," only featuring the climax, meant for beginners.

"It's Beethoven's 'Ode to Joy,' right?"

"Really? I guess I didn't do too badly then."

"…Are you serious?"

"Of course I am. Also, Kazusa, your expression right now is quite rude."

"That's because you just told a really funny joke."

"…I see. Well then, how about you show me the skills of someone bold enough to laugh at me."

"You'll find out soon enough."

Kazusa sat down, not waiting for Chisato to stand up. 

Her right foot pressed down on the pedal, and her slender hands began to glide effortlessly over the keys.

It was the same piece, but in terms of complexity, Chisato estimated that even if he grew an extra pair of arms, he probably wouldn't be able to play it as smoothly, naturally, or beautifully as she did.

Chisato didn't stand up. 

From this close distance, he could see Kazusa's expression, which was completely different from the one she wore in class. 

Now, she looked both serious and slightly happy.


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