Heroes Of Mankind.

Janet, still paralyzed at the spot, watched Katerina's figure as it tottered towards her. The drool still lined down to her jawline, but her mouth was now closed.

She stared with a pale expression at the figure who now towered before her, a sudden aggressive breeze caressing her hair.

The figure twitched greatly, gripping her thighs with both hands, her breaths loud.

"Hey, Chris," Katerina called softly, gently placing a hand on Janet's head. She turned towards her partner, and with a bit of a struggle, she added, "Switch it off."

"Huh?" Chris had a confused look for a sec.

"Surely, you don't mean the EEM-01 system, do you?" he asked with a doubtful smile, sheathing his sword and then pressing a tiny rectangular button along its hilt afterwards.

Getting no answer from his partner, the man continued, rising up from his squatted position. "Listen, aren't you just being too carried away? Even if the mission has been completed, do you really wish to break the very first food-code in your first dispatch? Won't that affect your ranking points?"

"Screw the rankings. Man, stop being such a fucking wuss and just switch it off. See, this is exactly why I didn't want to get married," she said, her tone a bit pissed, as she reached toward a tiny button on her chest plate, visibly right along her right nipple area. With a beep sound from pressing the button, a part along the gear covering her neck popped open.

She turned her gaze back to Janet's, and with a soft moan, her grimace turned into a warm smile.

She calmly reached for the part that had opened along her neck. Within the opened space was a tiny lever-like switch. She pulled it, and immediately a series of low metallic creaking sounds left the gear.

Katerina turned to Chris, giving him a sultry look with an eyebrow raised, her smile a bit sly, her gaze lingering on him, both hands clamoring her battle gear. "What are you waiting for, Mr. Christopher Reed?" she chuckled.

The man who saw this paced out for a little while.

"Aw, man…" he uttered in frustration, one hand rubbing the back of his black hair as he continued, "...way to take advantage of a man's love, Ms. Katarina Argent." Chris concluded, his thick brow furrowed, his eyelids tense with anxiety.

With a sigh, his expression shifted into a plain smile. He gently put his hand on a button along his chest plate, casually pushing it in.


Just like Katerina's, a part of Chris' neck gear opened up.

"You…" he uttered, pointing towards Katerina, "... You are a real nasty bitch, you know that?" He concluded, then pulled the tiny switch on his neck, his gear also creaking similarly.

"Yeah, yeah, you big bozz." She added with a pouty chuckle, a mysterious dimple emerging on her face which added to her charm.

The Ephemeral Endurance Matrix gear, more commonly referred to as EEM gear, stands as one of the most advanced pieces of technology in the world, alongside several other masterpieces created by Xenotech.

Built exclusively for HV soldiers, this gear comes with numerous privileges, including the powerful emergency system known as the '01 module'.

The 01 module grants the wearer the ability to detect all kinds of threats and instantly neutralize them if they find their lives potentially at risk.

Additionally, it allows soldiers the privilege to individually summon up to two advanced Autonomous Combat Sentinels (ACS) directly from Xenotech's satellite in the term of their career, each robot customized to align with the individual's unique battle style.

The module also provides direct access to all resources available through the satellite, enabling HQ to monitor and oversee each soldier's actions in real-time.

Under no circumstances should a wearer below the rank of a star soldier switch off the 01 module at will.

Although it serves supervision purposes, this was a crucial measure put in place for the soldier's safety, as well.

It was so that, in the unlikely event of losing control in a situation, headquarters can immediately dispatch reinforcements.

For the wearers, turning off the module is akin to cutting off their own lifeline.

Katerina's hands moved with precision, her fingers slipping into the slim line space in the center of her chest plate.

The gear creaked open, its segments slowly dismantling in a precise, mechanical motion.

As she pulled the two halves apart, the gear's metallic parts disconnected with a soft clinking sound.

The torso section of the gear slowly detached, revealing Katerina's sleek black undersuit beneath.

The armor's segments unfolded and retracted, each piece nestling into its designated recess with a soft click.

"Urgff…" she exhaled softly, her breath escaping in a gentle sigh as she casually set down the metallic cuboid, its thick, layered armor now reduced to a compact, rectangular form.

She was suddenly twitching violently, letting out soft moans at each violent gust of wind that slapped her body.

Janet watched the scenario unfold, unsure of what to make of it. She was still paralyzed due to the effects of the trauma on her brain and had been unable to move from the same spot where she knelt right from the beginning of this incident, but her senses were back.

She could see Vonn, who lay unconscious from a small distance, the huge soldier who sat on the ground meters away from Vonn, and then this one.

At first, when Katerina approached her, she couldn't understand what was happening, but seeing this behavior now, Janet knew she had never seen a more perfect description of a perverted lady in heat. Not to ignore the fact that she was behaving the way she did for her fellow woman too.

Janet's gaze was fixated on Katerina, as the fear of what was going to happen gripped her.

This was a different kind of fear from what she felt in the Mutanaut's presence.

For Janet, who had once lived the life of a holy Catholic nun, renouncing all forms of human intimacy, death by the hands of the Mutanaut was far more forgiving than being sexually harassed by a fellow woman.

Watching Katerina zip open the sleek black shirt that covered her torso, and witnessing her two huge female endowments dangle out, Janet trembled, consumed by terror.

This had to be stopped.

She couldn't move her body or resist with words, but this madness needed to be stopped somehow.

'This… this must not proceed…' she thought, a sudden heartache gripping her.

World heroes… What a joke.

Janet, a legal citizen of Northern Lutannica—a place referred to as a ghetto overrun completely by dirty pieces of cunts—could swear with her life, for whatever it is worth, that she had never seen a person more disgusting than this woman.

Janet flinched as Katerina suddenly knelt before her. A wave of disgust washed over her as she gazed at the lady's lewd grin, her stomach churning with a sudden urge to vomit.

This woman… She was supposed to be amongst those considered the pride and hope of humanity?

Janet felt a depth of revulsion she'd never experienced before, a sense of utter loathing.

With tender care, Katerina cupped Janet's face in her hands, gently cradling her cheeks. She softly swept Janet's hair back, tucking it behind her ear with a gentle caress.

"Huh?"—she felt a vibration.

"You're trembling… you're into it too, huh?" Katerina added with a smirk.

Katerina's eyes drifted from Janet's gaze, her focus shifting to the dried drool that traced a path from the corners of Janet's mouth down to her chin.

She held up Janet's chin with two fingers, and with a gentle tilt of her head, Katerina leaned in, her tongue extending to tenderly lick away the drool.

Janet's trembling increased as Katerina's hands left her chin, slowly making their way towards her chest, but right at that moment—


A short and skinny figure instantly emerged behind Katerina from the shadows, one eye hidden beneath an eyepatch, the other bloodshot in rage. His face smeared in red, dripping blood.

He gripped a makeshift rod, ready to strike.

"Leave her alone, you sex depraved bitch!!" Vonn shouted, his voice echoing through the night.

With impressive speed, he swung his weapon toward Katerina's back, determination fueling his attack.