Livid Madwoman

The livid Aunt Ruo rushed out of the shopping mall with a face that would make a baby cry. She was accompanied by the other sister in laws of hers, exiting the revolving door of the shopping mall while Li YingYi had entered the shopping mall with his friend wrapping his arms around his shoulder. He turned his face, briefly narrowing his eyes as he saw the old woman he knew named, Mrs Ruo. He knew it well as she is part of the Hua Family— the family who his brother despise to blood. 

As he walked forward he saw his other friends who was waving his way toward Li YingYi with a grin, "Hey hey young master! You look so dark! Why? Did you step on a nasty object or something? It's been a while and you're treating us like this? Where have you been? Don't you know how much we have missed you?" 

"Yeah you're not fun YingYi, is it your brother again? Why does he never give you a slack?" Asked the friend who circled his arm around his shoulders.