Unwanted Arrangements

The drive to the Li Family house was unexpectedly longer than AiLin had thought. She didn't know by the first hour of the ride she was lulled to sleep and remained asleep for the entire duration of the ride to the house. When she was woken up by Li ZiChen, she found the car driving upward to a hill, making their way to a place that was surrounded by trees and a running tall waterfall beside the large wooden gate of the traditional Chinese household design. 

Calling it gorgeous was an understatement, it was unbelievably otherworldly. Each small pot of flowers were place delicately beside the circular house door and even though it looks welcoming, the house also appeared very secured with the hundreds of men who were around and beside the house, patrolling with their big builds and the earpiece stuck on their ears which they communicated from upon seeing Li ZiChen's car.