Dearest diary

June 14


Dear Diary

I never imagined I'd get you back, oh you have no idea how much I missed you, I promise this time , I am going to keep you more hidden and protected where no eyes can see and no hands can touch!

I wish you was with me during my little escapade, so many things happened, I had so much fun, met many nice people, learned a new language and so on..

Dearest diary I think I still love my prince charming, the more I think about it, the more I realize I was just angry and never out of love..

now my grumpy dad wants to force me into an arranged marriage with a psycho, how would I survive that? that's more like a death sentence.

dad should have just said "prodigal daughter you are sentence to life imprisonment or to death by hanging, it would have been better than this useless marriage!


Thinking about the marriage thing I almost felt like throwing up, I hid my diary, lay down on my bed staring at the ceiling and then at the necklace Musa gave me, I am glad I kept it and now the only thing that makes me feel his presence around me. should I sneak out to him? no way! never! after what he did!

what if I just agree to this marriage maybe just maybe he's not that bad as I see him to be and perhaps i and my prince charming are not destined to be together.

Dad's pov

how dare that little girl look me in the eyes and say she won't agree to marry who I chose for her, I am Nabeel her father, what I says stand firm, I know she and her mother have been plotting something behind my back they better don't try anything funny because what I would do, won't be funny at all.

I want this alliance, oh yes, I need it! especially now I am joining him in politics, this marriage will strengthen our bond more and I get to get what I want from him easily.


I came downstairs and it seem like Dad is really deep in thought and I snapped him out.

what do you want? you can't change anything.

I came to tell you I have agreed to this stupid marriage thing.

and I smirked staring at his expression, one have to be a thief to catch a thief, being rebellious would only make things worse for me, I could use this on him while i plan a way out.

are you serious right now?

yes dad but I have conditions

name them

I smirked and cleared my throat

I want my freedom, that's one, I want to do whatever I want and go wherever I want, see whoever I want and lastly I want my account loaded with cash cause I have got lots of shopping to do!

hahaha! just that? I was scared for a sec, I thought you would ask for something impossible, princess your wishes are all granted!

I am indeed surprised at his reaction I never knew it was so easy to fool him.

really dad?

yes my princess, I am loading your account right now and right here, if you need more or anything else don't hesitate to let me know.

thanks dad, I love you!

I love you more my princess, you have no idea the joy you bring to me by accepting this marriage.

I am happy too as you accepted my request without disagreeing. So that's a win-win daddy

Dad's pov

foolish girl! I wonder why she suddenly changed her mind, I hope she's not up to something and taking advantage of me due to the situation at hand, she dare not!


Nu'ayma's pov

Daddy you haven't seen anything, you will regret accepting my conditions and I am gon manipulate you and still not marry that psycho.

Let the game begin and see who wins in the end. Just because I am just a girl doesn't mean, I am weak and too fragile, why don't I get to make my own decisions too? I know he can't do this to any of my brothers, just because I am a girl and bare in her 20s. He's not even talking about my studies, doesn't be knows I am supposed to be in the university pursuing my dream and career? Why should I be sent to a man's house so soon, without even having the time to enjoy my youthful age. No matter what happens I must find a way out, I can't marry that psycho, who all he does is club, take drugs and womanize. What life would I live there? His mom is not even a good person to start with.. never will I be a maid in my husband's house.