Chapter 3: Let Go of That Girl!

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This scene felt eerily familiar.

Bochang suddenly recalled witnessing a similar situation in the movie "Men in Black." Connecting it to Silver Wolf's earlier mention of Memory Removal, he abruptly guessed what was happening.

"Is that a Memory Eraser device? Wait... didn't you just say..."

His vision blurred, accompanied by a swift onset of headache. As Bochang's consciousness wavered, he sensed a sudden impact on his neck, followed by darkness engulfing his eyes, and he instantly lost consciousness.

Kafka gently lowered the black-haired youth, allowing him to lie down on the ground.

Silver Wolf remarked, "Couldn't we have let him fall on his own? Your actions... are simply unnecessary, wasting our time."

"If you treat everyone so carelessly, be careful you don't end up single forever," Kafka teased with a light-hearted tone.

"That's none of your concern, and I haven't even considered marrying anyone." Silver Wolf placed her hands on her hips, her expression stern and unyielding. "If we don't leave now, it truly will be too late."

"Then let's go."

Kafka stood up, glanced briefly at the unconscious Stelle and Bochang, then departed.

As they walked along,

the woman with wine-red hair spoke again, adding one more comment.

"Silver Wolf, you didn't remove too much from his memories, did you?"

"Just half an hour, it won't affect him significantly. Trust me; my actions have consequences in mind," Silver Wolf shot a glance at Kafka. "Why... do you seem quite concerned about that boy? Are you genuinely considering him as your son?"

"Although it's the first time someone called me 'Mom'... I'm not so easily swayed. It's just curiosity about this suddenly appearing youth, after all, he wasn't part of Elio's script..."

With long strides, Kafka walked straight ahead, her steps steady and forceful. The rhythmic clicking of her black boots, one longer than the other, echoed crisply on the ground.

"It's because he's just an ordinary person who stumbled upon this place. Perhaps he harbors secrets, but they aren't significant."

Silver Wolf adjusted his blue goggles once more.

Kafka narrowed her burgundy eyes and said, "Let's hope so."

"If you're that concerned, why not take him with us? It could also prevent any unforeseen complications," Silver Wolf suggested, coming to a halt.

Kafka shook her head, continuing her stride without stopping. "No, this isn't exactly a suitable environment for him. Let him forge his own path instead."

"Your words make me feel like you've truly embraced being a motherly figure," Silver Wolf quipped as he caught up to her.

The two continued their conversation while disappearing down the lengthy corridor, leaving behind only Bochang and Stelle lying unconscious in an unknown room.

An indeterminate amount of time passed.

Once again, two voices echoed near them.

"The coordinates for these two aren't originating from the space station..."

"At this point, who cares about such details?! They're right here in front of us; surely they can't be fake."

The first voice was deep and steady, belonging to a man.

The second voice was crisp and feminine.

As the sounds grew closer, it became apparent that someone was rushing towards them.

"How familiar... Have I just experienced this before?" Half-dazed, Bochang felt a slight headache, and he sensed a large hand pressing on his pulse.

The nearby voices continued unabated.

"This young man seems fine."

"As for this girl... her heartbeat and pulse are very weak. March, prepare to administer CPR."

"Ah?! I...I don't have much experience! Dan Heng, you do it!" The woman sounded startled, her voice becoming shrill.

Then, a neutral electronic tone chimed in:

[Dating Options activated.]

[Option 1: Seize the moment, for time waits for no one. Perform CPR; it is our duty without hesitation. Shout loudly: "Let go of that girl, let me handle it!" - Completion Reward: 100% increase in Physique. Note: This option requires performing CPR promptly, or unforeseen consequences may occur.]

[Option 2: As an upright gentleman, I would never take advantage in such situations. Pretend nothing happened, remain motionless on the ground, and wait for events to unfold - Completion Reward: Increase 100,000 Credits. Note: The Credits will be added directly to your Interstellar Peace Corporation account after obtaining it... without arousing suspicion.]

[Option 3: Convulse violently, attracting others to perform CPR on you - Completion Reward: Dan Heng's Bigshot Slap.]

In the previously pitch-black world, a blue screen materialized, with each word catching his attention.

This was Bochang's "Dating Options," spurred by its influence...

Bochang began recalling what had just occurred.

"Silver Wolf and Kafka... I've been transported, so now I should be at Herta's space station. Next is... a Memory Removal Stick? But... I still remember everything... Why? Is it because of the System?"

"Now, Dan Heng and March 7th should arrive soon, marking the official start of the plot..."

After pondering for a moment, Bochang started examining the new options and couldn't help but vent his frustration.

"Is this Bigshot really considered a reward? How come it appears twice in a row... Please don't let it show up a third time, I beg you!"

"And these other two rewards... seem... not as good as the first ones either..."

"Is it because the newbie phase has ended?"

The neutral electronic voice showed no sign of responding, seemingly waiting silently for Bochang to make his choice.

Only the green countdown in the lower left corner continued relentlessly.

20, 19...

Time was running out for Bochang.

Just like the first time, he quickly ruled out Bigshot; he had no desire to be treated for insanity by Dan Heng.

This left only options one and two:

Option 1: Increase Physical Attributes by 100%.

Option 2: Gain 100,000 Credits.

One offered enhanced strength, while the other provided increased wealth.

Indeed, Credits serve as the currency in the Star Rail world and are essential for space travel transactions.

If aiming for steady development,

Option 2 would undoubtedly be a wise choice.

As the saying goes—money makes the world go round.

Regardless of the world, money is indispensable.

However... Bochang knew that the space station was currently under attack from the Antimatter Legion, making it crucial to possess sufficient power moving forward.

Moreover, the black-haired youth wanted to showcase his abilities before everyone.

This was his chance to board the Astral Express.

While possessing the power of the Dragon Talisman could already garner attention, Bochang still wanted to become even stronger.

"Compared to money, strength is more crucial right now. The requirement for this option is somewhat... well, but I won't be at a disadvantage; it's actually beneficial..."

Bochang muttered inwardly, feeling as if a little devil were tapping him on the shoulder, urging the black-haired youth to act swiftly.

Instead of making an immediate decision, Bochang searched for his inner angel.

The result?

He couldn't find one.

"Well then, let's make a delightful choice... Option One!"

After making his selection,

the previously unconscious Bochang rapidly woke up. He sat bolt upright and extended his strong arm towards the three figures nearby, declaring, "Let go of that girl, she's mine!"

Dan Heng and March 7th turned their heads, watching as the black-haired youth charged towards them.