Chapter 5: The Antimatter Legion

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"I thought you might know each other... so I didn't intervene," Dan Heng explained, rubbing his chin as he pondered their relationship.

Stelle shook her head.

"I don't remember him."

Bochang chimed in, "Hmm... I don't recall her either, but she does seem somewhat familiar. After all... considering how similar our outfits are, we could be mistaken for a couple."

Facing the Astral Express members, Bochang felt more at ease. Unlike the eerie tactics of the Hunters Guild, these newcomers appeared less threatening.

With that, the black-haired youth spread out his arms, causing his outer black windbreaker with its brown lining to billow open and reveal the white T-shirt underneath.

The clothing provided by Silver Wolf proved crucial at this moment.

Even Stelle couldn't be certain; she shifted slightly, narrowing her golden eyes to scrutinize Bochang closely. "Indeed, it looks like matching couple attire, but... what if we're siblings instead? Despite different hair colors, there's still a chance we could be colleagues..."

While the gray-haired girl scrutinized him, Bochang was also examining her.

Their gazes continuously clashed in the air between them.

It must be said that Stelle was a very charming young woman, tall with a well-proportioned figure—aside from being slightly lacking in the chest area, everything else seemed just right.

Previously, Bochang's attention had been primarily focused on Kafka and Silver Wolf. Then, there was the urgency of performing CPR moments ago. Only now did Bochang have a chance to properly observe Stelle.

Meanwhile, Stelle thought, "This person seems quite weak. Would I choose someone like that as my partner? Unlikely... Could they be siblings or perhaps just ordinary friends?"

"You both have amnesia; dwelling on these matters now seems pointless. Let's discuss something more pressing instead." March 7th interrupted their conversation, breaking the tension-filled gaze exchange.

Both Bochang and Stelle turned towards her, their expressions calm, causing March 7th to flinch and say, "Don't... don't look at me like that! It's unsettling. Maybe... you two should continue your discussion?"

"March is right; your relationship can be considered at another opportunity later. Right now, we have more important matters to attend to," Dan Heng interjected without waiting for Bochang and Stelle's responses. "March, take them back to the Master Control Zone first."

"Huh? What about you?" March 7th paused, taken aback.

With arms crossed, Dan Heng replied, "Arlan from the Security Division lost contact nearby, and I need to bring him back."

"Um... alright then. Just make sure to stay safe, okay?"

March 7th nodded. As a frequent traveler through the star sea as part of the Astral Express crew, she was quite confident in her abilities. The local Antimatter Legion members weren't particularly strong, merely a group of scattered rogues causing mischief everywhere.

Escorting two individuals to the Master Control Zone was a piece of cake for March 7th.

The only concern was...

If Bochang and Stelle panicked and ran at the sight of enemies, it could become troublesome.

From what March 7th observed, neither seemed to possess much combat capability.

With their conversation concluded, Dan Heng turned and left without further ado.

"If there are no issues, let's proceed," March 7th glanced at Stelle and Bochang. "Don't worry... Station Director Asta and the evacuated researchers are in the Master Control Zone, with the Astral Express nearby, ensuring safety from monster attacks. Trust me, we will resolve this crisis!"

Stelle wasn't overly concerned; despite her memory loss, she could still sense the immense power latent within herself. It felt like an innate talent, providing reassurance.

As for Bochang... he also remained unconcerned. With strong allies nearby and having gained the strength of the Dragon Talisman, his physical attributes had increased by fifty percent—a significant boost compared to his previous capabilities.

With that assurance, both Stelle and Bochang nodded their agreement.

March 7th, observing this, turned and pointed to a black metal baseball bat lying nearby, suggesting, "Perhaps... Bochang, you should take that with you. The Antimatter Legion is rampaging like mad dogs on the space station, making the return journey unsafe as well. It's best to have some weapons for self-defense."

As a male, Bochang naturally appeared more robust and combat-ready than Stelle.

Thus, unlike the original plotline, March 7th did not ask Stelle to pick up the baseball bat.

After making the suggestion...

The pink-haired girl smiled warmly. "It's just a recommendation... It's fine if you don't take it; I'll be here to protect you both!"

Before Bochang could move, Stelle stepped forward, picked up the baseball bat, and swung it a couple of times, feeling its weight. She then looked at Bochang and asked, "Do you want this?"

"I don't need a weapon, you can keep it," replied Bochang, his expression gentle and harmless.

Bochang flashed a harmless smile.

Stelle lowered her head without speaking, but the moment she tightened her grip on the weapon, she instinctively knew how to fight.

With the black-haired youth's casual stance,

she could dash forward at any time and strike him with the bat.

As soon as Stelle saw Bochang, memories of him kissing her cheek surfaced, especially since he had even made a smacking sound when leaving. This stirred mixed emotions within her.

The touched area felt like it was burning with a fiery sensation.

"He just wanted to perform CPR, don't read too much into it..."

Stelle reminded herself.

March 7th paid little heed to these matters; she led the way ahead, instructing Stelle and Bochang only to stay close and not fall behind.

The trio traversed through long corridors.

Along the journey, they encountered numerous display stands, each showcasing some intriguing object.

These were the true treasures of this space station—Herta's collection, also known as Curios.

As they walked, March 7th provided commentary, even remarking, "Herta gathers all these things but doesn't use them; they just gather dust here. Wonder what the point is."

Unfamiliar with the situation, neither Stelle nor Bochang intended to speak up.

Passing through a technologically advanced-looking door and navigating another corridor bend...

The trio spotted soldiers of the Antimatter Legion: two Predator-class drones and one heavy particle drone.

The enemies had not yet noticed their presence.

With a shout from March 7th, she charged forward alone, seemingly intent on fighting by herself.

Stelle glanced at Bochang, his gaze suggesting, "Should we join her?"

The black-haired youth nodded affirmatively.

Without hesitation, both Stelle and the black-haired youth closely followed March 7th's lead.


Both March 7th and Stelle exhibited extraordinary speed, far surpassing Bochang's capabilities.

Especially Stelle.

She managed to overtake the pink-haired girl, taking the lead as she charged towards the Antimatter Legion. Although unsure of what these creatures were, knowing they were enemies was enough for her.

A hint of surprise flashed across March 7th's eyes; she hadn't anticipated that someone she deemed weak could be faster than herself.

"But... I'm all about archery." The pink-haired girl produced a long blue bow from seemingly nowhere. Drawing it back with an arrow nocked, a competitive spirit surged within her, "The first one to strike the enemy will still be me, March 7th! Speed alone won't cut it."