Chapter 20: Flash Appearance

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After several minutes of intense combat, they had barely managed to destroy its hands, only for them to be swiftly repaired. Surprisingly, it seemed the dark matter engine also sustained minimal damage.

With a wave of his hand, Bochang caught the returning blue spear, still bearing traces of blood on its surface.

The Doomsday Beast's gaze fell upon Bochang, its icy stare sending chills down one's spine.

The black-haired youth thought to himself, "Have I been targeted?"

Indeed, that was the case.

The dragon-shaped monster continued advancing, its massive body squeezing and colliding with the high-strength materials around the Railway Platform, producing extremely grating sounds. The platform suffered significant damage as a result.

"Fall back!"

Himeko swiftly issued the command, and Stelle along with Dan Heng immediately fled, their speed ensuring...

...the Doomsday Beast could not catch up.


As the creature's enormous form penetrated deeper into the space station, its range of movement became increasingly restricted, making it easier to deal with.

In the rear ranks, March 7th grabbed Bochang's hand, and together they ran.

Her icy-cold hands felt almost boneless when gripped.

Everyone had expended considerable energy during the battle, especially March 7th, who was now carrying Bochang and couldn't run swiftly.

To cover their escape, Stelle, Dan Heng, and Himeko voluntarily stayed behind to intercept the Doomsday Beast. Unfortunately, it proved futile.

The Doomsday Beast effortlessly ignored their attacks and charged directly towards Bochang, raising its left arm high—the target being the black-haired youth wielding the Vow Spear.

With a whistling wind, the Doomsday Beast's fingers rapidly descended. Despite Himeko and the others' intentions to intervene, they were powerless to prevent it.

"March! Bochang! Quickly, get out of the way!"

Their voices echoed urgently.

Realizing the danger, both Bochang and March 7th found themselves already engulfed by shadows.

「Laughing my ass off, can't beat the strongest so you go after the weakest? Doomsday Beast, you truly know how to play...」

Realizing they couldn't evade the attack, Bochang halted abruptly and plunged the Vow Spear into the ground. This indestructible blue spear, with its unimaginable sharpness, could even pierce through the skin of a Doomsday Beast.

Naturally, penetrating high-strength aerospace materials was no challenge for it.

The Vow Spear embedded itself shallowly but securely enough to stand upright.

"Hurry up! Why did you stop?" Seeing Bochang freeze, March 7th's heart nearly leaped out of her throat from anxiety.

The Doomsday Beast's left hand loomed dangerously close.

Himeko, Dan Heng, and Stelle watched with wide-eyed concern.

The black-haired youth had no time to explain; he grabbed the pink-haired girl's hand and immediately activated his teleportation ring. A blinding white light emanated from the ring, instantly transporting them both ten meters away from their original position.

Dawn's left hand crashed down, striking the ground forcefully.

The space station shook, dust billowed upwards, and both Bochang and March 7th were swept away like tumbleweeds, rolling wildly across the floor. Instinctively, during the chaos, Bochang shielded March 7th as they tumbled together.

As they came to a stop, the black-haired youth found himself beneath March 7th.

"What just happened?" The pink-haired girl was still dazed, initially convinced that she and Bochang were about to be flattened by the Doomsday Beast... She had even closed her eyes, awaiting their inevitable fate.

Yet unexpectedly, they managed to escape at the last moment.


The Doomsday Beast howled in pain as the Vow Spear fully pierced its left hand, akin to stepping on a nail.

Lying in Bochang's arms, March 7th pressed her hands against his chest, staring blankly at the close proximity of the young man. She could feel the warmth of his large hands supporting her head and waist, causing her cheeks to flush deeply.

"Bochang, y-you should... let go..."

With just a bit of effort, March 7th could easily have freed herself from Bochang's embrace, but it seemed as though she had lost all strength, remaining motionless within his arms.

She remained motionless, nestled in his embrace.

This delicate and bashful demeanor was something entirely new to Bochang, starkly contrasting with the pink-haired girl's usual carefree attitude.

[Dating Options activated.]

Option 1: Cherish a brief moment of warmth with March 7th — Completion Reward: Doomsday Beast's Big Booty.

Option 2: This is a critical time of peril; how can one indulge in romantic sentiments? Push March 7th away — Completion Reward: Agility increased by 100%.

Seeing "Doomsday Beast's Big Booty," Bochang nearly lost his composure. One swing from that colossal tail could likely take out both him and March 7th instantly.

There was no need for hesitation.

"Option two!"

Bochang swiftly pushed March 7th aside and sprang to his feet.

[Reward being granted - Congratulations on obtaining a 100% increase in Agility.]

The system's reward promptly kicked in, and Bochang felt a significant increase in his reaction speed. The previously swift-moving Doomsday Beast now appeared noticeably slower to him.

Reaction speed depends on factors such as strength, weight, and air resistance. While agility does not directly enhance overall speed, it improves reaction time, allowing Bochang to perceive danger more quickly and respond faster to enemy actions, indirectly boosting his effective speed.

His left hand seemed glued to the ground.

The Doomsday Beast raised its calamitous right arm, initiating pursuit towards Bochang and the others.

Big Booty swooped menacingly towards them.

Already aware of the impending danger, Bochang swiftly moved himself and the slightly dazed pink-haired girl out of the enemy's attack range as soon as he got up. The turbulent gale stung their faces but caused no harm to either of them.

Himeko, Dan Heng, and Stelle remained closer to the front, constantly within the attack range of the Doomsday Beast.

Facing such onslaughts, they struggled to evade, barely managing each time. Stelle narrowly avoided being struck multiple times.


Seizing the opportunity, Bochang unleashed a pillar of flames at the injured left hand of the dragon-shaped monster, causing explosive damage that deepened its wounds.

The Doomsday Beast's left arm lifted, pulling the Vow Spear along with it.

Enraged, the dragon beast attempted to extract the blue spear lodged like a nail in its limb, but Himeko and her allies didn't give it a chance, immediately launching a coordinated assault.

A barrage of attacks rained down on the Doomsday Beast.

Regaining her composure, March 7th also joined the fray.

Arrows composed of hexaphase ice descended like a storm, covering the Doomsday Beast's body with countless frost eruptions.

With Dawn's Vow Spear lodged in its left hand, the Doomsday Beast struggled to dislodge it for quite some time, effectively rendering one of its attack methods useless. It could only sweep with its calamitous right hand or utilize the Antimatter Engine on its chest.

As if realizing that fighting within the confines of the Railway Platform was disadvantageous, the Doomsday Beast began retreating... moving sluggishly like a reptile while enduring the continuous onslaught from the group.


The battered and wounded Doomsday Beast dragged itself away from the space station.

It then launched another assault.

The dragon-shaped monster ascended, propelled by its Antimatter Engine, spreading its four wings wide. With hands crossed before its chest, it resembled a deity... towering above and gazing down upon everyone below.

Behind the Doomsday Beast, countless golden specks suddenly emerged.

Its overwhelming presence sent chills up their spines.