
"Davis… what are you doing here,were you following me?" Anaconda asked with a frown.

"Yes I was" he replied bluntly.

"You should thank your star that I didn't shoot your head through the glass before checking who it was" she scoffed.

"You wanted to kill me" Davis gasped.

Anaconda rolled her eyes.

"Would you like to join me for a drink?" He asked.

"Not interested,have other better things to do" she said and walked to her car.

"I will keep following you,if you don't come with me" he said.

"Then be ready to die" she smirked and drove away.

"I forgot she's the almighty Anaconda" he sighed and also drove away.

The next day>>

"You have been shooting for two hours straight, didn't you hunt last night?" Eric asked as he entered the shooting space.

"That old man son,if I set my eyes on him I will definitely kill him" she said and cleaned her sweat with her handkerchief.

"Who are you talking about?" Eric asked.

"Davis" she answered.

"Ohh wait,he's in the country?" He asked surprised.

"You just keep asking questions instead of answering me" she groaned.

"It's just surprising that he's occupying your thoughts" he said.

Anaconda head snapped towards him.

"Can you hear yourself at all,why should I be thinking about him. He's just a prey that's waiting to enter into my den and once he does I wouldn't mind if i knew his family or not,I'll send his head to them" she hissed and walked out.

Eric sighed and followed her.

As soon as she walked into the living room,the door bell rang.

"Are you expecting someone?" She asked Eric.

He shook his head.

Eric went to get the door and his eyes widened when he saw the person standing outside.

"Davis?" He called to be sure if it was truly him.

"Hi,is Ana in?… I would like to see her" he smiled.

He nodded and shifted to the side for him to enter.

Anaconda lips twitched when she saw Davis.

"What are you doing here?" She asked with a frown on her face.

"I came to see you" he replied.

Anaconda took her gun from her waist belt and pointed it at Davis forehead.

Eric eyes widened.

"Calm down,it's just an harmless visit" Eric panicked.

"You thought I was joking when I said I'll deliver his head to his family" she scoffed.

"So in a word,you were thinking about me" he smirked moved closer to her,the gun was still pointed at his head.

"What do you think you are doing,you really think I can blow off your f*cking head" She gritted her teeth.

"I want to kiss you" he smiled.

Anaconda's heart skipped a bit and she frowned.

"What was that?" She thought.

Davis knew he got her,he bent slowly towards her. The gun was close to his forehead.

"It won't be bad if I kiss you and die in your hands" he smirked.

"How daring" she said and pulled the trigger. He also pouted his lips to kiss her.

"Godmother" Ashley called interrupting the moment.

Davis was surprised when he had a child's voice,he wouldn't believe it if anybody tells him Anaconda has a child in her house. He turned his head towards Ashley and immediately he smiled at her.

"Do you need anything?" Anaconda asked.

"It's weekend and I was thinking if we could go to the amusement park" she said looking from Davis to Anaconda.

"I'll call Irish" she replied obviously not interested.

"This is the third time you're turning me down,I want to go with you not Irish" she pouted.

"And who do you think you are to order me around" she snapped which made Ashley flinched.

"Go with Irish or you sit your damn @ss down here" she said curtly and left their sight.

Ashley's eyes dimmed and tears started streaming down her eyes.

Eric calmed down already and he just stood watching them.

"Hey pumpkin,don't cry Aunty doesn't mean her words" Davis said bending down to Ashley level.

"She hates me" Ashley sniffed.

"No,don't say that. You know what, we'll create our own playground here,go change into a comfortable outfit and we'll play together" Davis smiles and rubbed her hair.

Ashley nodded and went upstairs to her room.

"The journey you're heading to will be hard,she doesn't know what affection is nor did she learn it" Eric suddenly said and walked away.

"That's why am here,to teach her" Davis muttered.

The second penthouse >>

"You going somewhere?" Scar asked when she saw Freddy coming out of his room dressed.

"Yes,the boss penthouse" he replied.

"Okay" she nodded.

"See you guys later" he said and went out.

Pistol's eyes never left him until he was out,her mind slowly drifted to the words he told her.

Flashback >>

"Pistol,I know about your feelings for me but pls get rid of it before it's too late. I won't be able to reciprocate it cos I have someone else on my mind and it can only be her" he'd said.


"No buts,it's for your sake" he smiled at her.

Flashback ends>>

She sighed sadly.

She doesn't know how to get over him,her heart still skipped seeing him dressed like that.

"Am pretty sure he dressed up that way to impress the boss" Acid said.

"It's so sad that the boss heart is as strong as a rock" Irish pouted.

"We can't say,he might be able to melt her" Acid said.

"I hope so" Irish shrugged.

"What do you want to do today?" Acid asked groping her cheek.

Elliot stared at them and jealousy flashed in his eyes.

"Am not a kid,stop touching my cheek" Irish pouted.

"It's so round,I can't resist" he said touching her cheek again.

"She said you shouldn't touch her cheek,shouldn't you respect that" Elliot spoke up.

"And what's that supposed to mean" he asked with a frown.

"He meant you should treat me like a lady not a kid" Ashley replied.

Acid scoffed.

"A new member will be joining us on Monday" Scar announced.

"Really?" They all turned to her.

"Yes,she's good in martial arts according to the boss" she replied.

"A girl,finally I have a junior" Irish squealed.

Scar shook her head.

The first penthouse >>

Freddy entered the house,all smiles.

"Hi Eric" he greeted.

"Hi,she's in the study room" he said to him.

Freddy nodded and went upstairs.

Davis was at the balcony with Ashley,many different toys surrounding them.

"I caught you" Davis grabbed Ashley by her arm.

"Ha,no you cheated" she giggled.

"I didn't" he said.

"Yes you did" she said her hands on her waist.

"You look adorable" he rubbed her hair.

"You're handsome too and I love your blue eyes" she commented.

"Thank you" he smiled.

"Do you like my Godmother" she asked.

"Of course and I want to make her mine" he replied.

"Really?" She asked.

"Shh,it's a secret,promise you're not going to tell anyone" he whispered.

"I promise" she chuckled.

"Pinky promise" he said and they linked their fingers together.

"Let's head inside for snacks" Davis said and the both walked to the living room.

"I want cookies" Ashley beamed.

"We're going to get just that with an apple juice" he smiled back at her.

"Yay" she cheered.

The study room>>

"It's a bit suspicious,that old man didn't strike back yet" Anaconda said to Freddy.

"He must be planning something big,but before that why don't we strike him first and catch him unaware" he suggested.

"You're right but I'll love to wait for his attack,that will make it more interesting" she smirked.

Freddy stared at her,admiring her. He didn't know when a smile surfaced on his face,he really wish he can be just a mobster to her.

"Ahem" she cleared her throat and he quickly regained himself.

"Your wound?" She asked.

"It's fine now" he replied.

"Ana" Davis suddenly called outside.

Freddy ears perked up,did he heard it wrong.

"Ana,can I come in" Davis asked.

Freddy eyes widened,someone actually called the boss real name and it's a male voice.

"That idiot" Anaconda groaned.

When Davis didn't get any reply he decided to enter.

He saw her with one of her mobsters, he walked up to them.

"You heard me right?" He asked and dropped the cup of coffee in his hands.

"I made this for you to relieve your stress" he added and patted her hair.

Anaconda heart skipped again and she frowned hard.

"What's this idiot doing to her" she thought.

Freddy heart tightened,never in his life did he imagine this.