The Title given in Arena

After a few more matches, the sound of clashing steel echoed through the arena. Ting! Ting! A sword spun through the air and landed with a clang across the stone floor.

Luke's opponent's weapon.

"The winner is Luke!" the announcer's voice rang out.

The crowd erupted into cheers, their excitement growing with each of Luke's flawless victories. But Luke himself wasn't paying attention to the roaring spectators. Wiping a faint sheen of sweat from his forehead, he remained composed, his thoughts elsewhere. These battles were no challenge for him; his opponents were first and second-year students at best.

Suddenly, a faint blue panel that only Luke could see appeared before his eyes.




"Looks like all my effort hasn't gone to waste," Luke whispered to himself, satisfied with the progress he was making. "I've improved by three percent in these last few battles," Luke whispered, his voice barely audible.

A few moments later, the announcer's voice cut through the noise of the arena. "Next up—Conrad!"

Luke's eyes widened slightly in surprise. The arrogant guy from earlier. His eyes found Conrad across the arena, his expression smug and self-assured, gripping a slender, flexible spear.

"Another bug who thinks they stand a chance against me," Conrad sneered arrogantly. "I'll let you walk away if you kneel and surrender right now."

Luke merely raised an eyebrow, smirking. "What? I couldn't hear you." He stuck his pinky finger in his ear, nonchalantly cleaning out imaginary earwax, then flicked it toward Conrad.

Conrad's face twisted in rage, his confidence wavering for just a moment. "Never mind. You'll be begging for mercy soon enough."

As the battle began, Conrad charged forward, spear raised high, determined to overwhelm Luke. His spear came crashing down toward Luke with force.

But to Conrad's shock, Luke caught the spear with ease, as if swatting aside a child's toy.

"How can a mere—" Conrad began, but before he could finish his sentence, Luke tossed the spear aside with effortless strength, sending Conrad flying back.

Luke stood unfazed. I could have crushed every one of these opponents with sheer power, but that wouldn't help me refine my skills, he thought. But you, Conrad... you're not even worth using any of my techniques.

As Conrad staggered back to his feet, still dazed, Luke moved in swiftly. His attack came from a blind spot, too fast for Conrad to track. Desperately, Conrad managed to block the first strike, but then Luke's sword was already crashing down again from another direction.

What's going on? Conrad thought frantically, panic creeping in. I watched all his previous fights—this isn't how he fought before!

Realizing he was being toyed with, Conrad's temper flared. With a loud shout, he unleashed a burst of wind energy, the force pushing outward in all directions. The crowd gasped as dust and debris swirled around him.

But Luke wasn't impressed. He used this as the perfect opportunity to strike, his next move precise and calculated.

He's going to attack me from behind again, Conrad thought, trying to anticipate Luke's next move. He readied himself, waiting for the strike he thought would come from behind.

But Luke wasn't so predictable. Instead of attacking from the rear, he struck from the front with blinding speed. Conrad didn't even have time to register the blow before everything went black. He collapsed, unconscious, his body hitting the ground with a thud.

The arena fell silent for a moment, stunned by how quickly the match had ended. Then the chants began to rise.



"Silent Vanguard!"

The crowd chanted Luke's new title, echoing throughout the arena. Luke barely reacted, his expression calm as ever. To him, this was only the beginning.



"Silent Vanguard!!"

"Silent Vanguard!!" The crowd cheered as this was Luke's title in the ring