XXIX: State Of Mind

Judith wasted no time making her way out of the manor and toward the latrine situated at the far end of the outpost. Though she tried to keep her nerves in check, she couldn't help but think of the numerous things that could go wrong with this plan.

Not wanting these thoughts to weigh her down, she decided to shut them away and fixate her attention on the matters at hand. Over-thinking this wasn't going to help, she just had to act.

Reaching the latrine didn't take as long a time as Judith had assumed. It would seem the walk to it the first time around was the hardest, but now that she had been familiar with just how much the distance was, it wasn't as difficult.

Also the contrast of the cool of night vs the heat of the day was a good factor to consider when one was talking about the ease of closing the distance between two points.

Judith now standing before the door of the latrine, looked at it for a couple of seconds, as a feeling of an ominous presence had surrounded it. More so because of the faint light of the moon which had illuminated it in particular as opposed to everything else, which was shrouded in darkness.

Staring at the latrine left Judith more frightened than she would have liked to admit. But she didn't think on it anymore if she was to keep her nerves for what was to come. At once she dismissed the ominous feelings she was getting from the latrine, opened the door and stepped inside before shutting the door behind her.

In only a matter of minutes, she would exit this latrine and be captured by the captain. No matter how much Judith had prepared herself for this inevitable known fact, it still did not sit right with her and was exacerbated by the feeling she was getting from the latrine.

She took a deep breath, then exhaled. In an effort to distract herself, Judith brought her thoughts to the latrine itself and found to her surprise, that it didn't smell bad as she had expected it to.

On the contrary, it smelt quite nice, almost as though some form of a perfume was used. No matter how faint the smell was, it was still noticeable.

With this comfort, Judith made to sit down on the toilet — or rather a makeshift version of it made of wood — without opening the cover. She found this a good opportunity to just calm down for a moment and think. Right now, she realized that even though all she did ever since she came to this world was think, she never really thought.

The first thing her mind ran to was the fact that she was even in this fantasy world. Her whole life, she believed there was no such thing as magic, ghosts and supernatural beings. And now, here she was, in a magical realm, in which a goddess had sent her, where another god was after her.

Judith grinned in irony, before turning her thoughts once more to the world. She was given a second chance at life, probably even a better one, considering the fact that she could basically see into the future and shape the world to favor her. But a looming question had surfaced in Judith's mind, one that brought up the fear she felt before.

The future of this world she knew too well. But with this change — that being the fact that she was herself and not Sarah — what would it mean for this world?

This alone was a very very bad thing. Judith wondered if she could manipulate this world without being Sarah. Surely she still could, but not to the degree that she wanted.

If she wasn't Sarah, she would miss out on so many incredible things. Because more often than not, Sarah's blood was used several times on several important instances. Her not being Sarah would deprive her of all of that.

"But it just doesn't make sense." Judith said as she fell her head and placed her hands on her neck, rubbing it. Just then, she felt something on her nape.

Erecting herself, she further investigated what she felt and then gasped. She gasped because in her nape, was a device in which Sarah's masters from the West had put in her to monitor her.

The device acted like a means of communication, which would project an image of a person in front of her face through her eyes. But this device didn't only act as a means of communication, it acted as an insurance policy. Because if Sarah did not obey the orders of her masters, then they would activate the device's other functionality. That being a bomb.

So what happened if they saw Judith's face instead of Sarah's?

Judith's heart skipped a beat upon coming to this realization. But at once, she thought against it. If this device was in her neck, then, this meant without a shadow of a doubt that she was Sarah, or at least a placeholder of Sarah. But if that were the case, why did she not have Sarah's clan tattoo on her shoulder?

With a sigh, Judith fell her head once more, this time falling her face into her palms.

All of this was giving Judith a headache. She initially thought this world would be better than her last, only for her to be sent to another in which her fate was equally sealed.

If she really wasn't Sarah, one look at her and her masters would blow her head up in an instant.

Judith shook her head, not wanting to believe that was the case. She was given her normal face, which meant by some logic, whoever knew Sarah would know her by this face.

But the goddamn tattoo.

Not wanting to think on this further, Judith decided to let it go. If she were to bother herself with this right now, then what would she do about the prince?

His death alone had already displaced so many things in the story, like a butterfly effect. At this point, Judith would even be lucky if things still played out the same way as the first 30 chapters of the novel.

With a sigh, Judith erected her back and pointed her gaze to the door. There was nothing she could do now, when the time came, she would handle it, but right now, she had other matters to attend to.

Now feeling like she had spent a believable amount of time in the latrine, she got onto her feet and stood in front of the door, now feeling her nerves spike once again. Judith had shut her eyes and tried to calm down.

'This will work, this will work.' Judith thought, while feeling the small iron rod she had latched onto her lap with a rope. 'This will work.' Judith had thought, before opening her eyes, pushing the door open and freezing in place, when she saw Tsai standing a few feet in front of her.