LXXV: Judith's Haul

A bone chilling sound erupted into the air, startling Judith to the degree that she almost fell onto the ground. Now gripping tighter onto her spear, Judith watched as several Borachnids rushed out of the hole, running frantically into one another, the hill-like rock behind them, several trees and so on.

Anticipating this would happen, Judith had stayed at an appropriate distance away from their den to avoid them running into her.

Screeches filled the air, threatening to make Judith deaf. The Borachnids poured out of the den by the dozen, all of them panicking.

As Judith watched, she felt her anxiety eat away at her by the fact that the Borachnids kept on coming. She didn't think they'd be this many in this one den. This left her very uneasy, as she began to wonder if the poison she used would be enough to handle all of the Borachnids.

Gripping the spear tighter and keeping the path to her Way-Point at the forefront of her mind, Judith anxiously watched, preparing herself for the worst.

But when Judith felt things becoming more dangerous, she saw one of the Borachnid fall to the ground. Then, a second after, another followed. Then another, and another, and another.

Like a synchronized dance all the Borachnids fell to the ground one after the other and within the second, they were all dead.

Hesitant for a moment, Judith stood motionless, trying to ensure she wasn't seeing things. Then, after a few seconds, her eyes gleamed out of excitement.

'I did it.' Judith thought, then gently rose off the ground so she could get a better view of the scenery before her.

As she rose, she saw for sure a slew of Borachnids littered across the ground near the hole. It was certain, they were all dead.

Feeling very ecstatic, Judith screamed and jumped for joy, only to cover her mouth a second later. She realized that screaming in a forest teeming with danger was not the best of ideas. So with excitement becoming the blood that ran in her veins, she quietly made her way forward, so as to properly inspect them.

When she got close to the nearest Borachnid, she looked at it for a second or two, and then she poked it with her spear. Following this she comically jolted back and pointed her spear at it. For the third time, she had confirmed it, they were all dead.

Once again, Judith smiled. Then turned to the slew of Borachnids littering the ground. As her elation rose, it suddenly fell when she realized that she had just killed over three dozen Parabeasts.

Something about this scenery was reminiscent to the horrific documentaries back in her old world that showed just how much cruelty humans showed the animal species. In short, it didn't feel nice to be painted in the same picture as those monsters.

Not wanting to think on this, Judith shook her head and brought her thoughts to the most immediate and pressing matter. As she looked at the several dozen Parabeasts that laid sprawled on the ground, Judith wondered to herself, how she was going to carve them up, so as to retrieve their Hearts.

"Dangnabit!" Judith exclaimed, then leaned on her spear. Gutting these Parabeasts with her crude spear would take hours.

'If only I had a knife, things would have been much easier.' Judith thought, as she stared at the Parabeasts. Suddenly, she remembered something that put her in a slightly better mood.

Looking to the hole in the ground not to far from her, she realized that inside the den, the Borachnids had eggs, or should have eggs hidden away in their nest. Judith decided to go for the Hearts of the eggs first, and then come back to retrieve these ones after.

Judith stared at the hole, feeling thankful that it was big enough for a person to enter, and not just enter, but walk inside. This was very fortunate for her, because right now, she didn't feel like scraping her knees on this wet ground as a result of crawling into the hole.

Taking a single step in, Judith picked up her torch, which was — by some miracle — barely clinging to life.

She really didn't need this torch because she could see Light Crystals weakly illuminating the interior of the tunnel. Though the light wasn't much, it was still adequate enough to let her see where she was going.

But just for a stupid sentiment, Judith decided to carry the weak torch with her.

Not two seconds after entering the downward sloping tunnel, a strange sound had kicked up in the distance, putting Judith on high alert. She wasn't exactly sure what the sound was, because it was very faint.

But one thing was for certain, it was coming from the tunnel. Taking a few steps back, Judith peered into the tunnel, preparing herself for the worst.

If a sound was coming from the tunnel, then it could only mean one thing, she didn't get all the Borachnids.

Walking backwards and taking hurried steps toward the exit of the tunnel, Judith looked in every direction for the bundle of leaves, or at leasts its remnants. Even if it was just a pile of ash, tossing it into the Borachnid's face would be enough to kill it, but no matter how hard Judith looked, she couldn't find the bundle of leaves.

Now hearing the sound grow to a dangerously high volume, Judith ran out of the tunnel and aimed to put good distance between her and the den.

She didn't know exactly what to do right now, but facing the Borachnid was out of the option. If anything, she needed to hide and watch it, probably it would...

"Is anyone there?!"