C: Jagged Wing

"Hey Lee, really..." Shen paused when a fire ball flew toward him. He leaped over it at once, rolled to the ground and continued on his race, leaving Chinpu in his neck a little disoriented. "Really glad to see you."

"Yeah, I wish I could say the same. Same goes for you Chinpu." Wukong had honestly expressed himself, as he began to think of ways out of this situation.

Turning in every direction, there didn't seem to be any help coming their way. Wherever he turned, there were three or more Tethereds facing against one or two Parabeasts. They were in the middle of a warzone, and once more, there just seemed to be more Parabeasts coming in.

Turning to the sky, Wukong could see more and more meteors headed for them. Looking ahead, he saw an enomorous wall that towered into the air at around thirty or so meters. Wukong knew exactly what this wall was for, and what exactly was going on, but he didn't have time to think on it.