CXIV: Cultivation Preparation Part III

Judith saw the world slow to a crawl when she acted like a maniac and flung the bottle on the crystal. Under normal circumstances, doing something so stupid would cause the poisonous liquid to spill in every direction. Which would cause Tsai and Judith to be covered in very deadly liquids that just a touch alone would spell their doom.

But, partly guided by the knowledge of her novel and partly driven to this due to maddening pain, Judith knew this would work out in the end...more or less.

Watching the bottle shatter, the liquids quickly clung to the crystals and every drop of the poison — no matter how far away from the main bulk of itself — was drawn back.

In a matter of only a second, all the liquid that was in the bottle joined themselves with the crystals, forming a spherical ball of grayish liquid.

The orange pieces of the crystal twinkled inside the gray droplet as it floated in every direction.