CXLI: Uphill Battle

Judith had kept her gaze on the floor, not eager to answer Qui Lin's question. But she did not want to act dumb either. At this point, it was safe to assume Qui Lin knew everything that had happened down to the last detail.

This was possible because there were Tethereds with Yang Alkalises which would enable them to create holographic or smoke projections of what had transpired in a particular place at a particular time.

Though this Alkalis was limited in one way or the other, it still got the job done. Which meant, Qui Lin knew that the target of that Tethered was not the prince, but in fact her.

Gripping the bed, Judith took a deep breath before speaking.

"There are others who are afraid of me, of what I'm capable of. So, they want to get rid of me just like how you occasionally do." Judith had said bits and pieces of the truth, just enough to have the intended meaning she wanted.