CLV: Nizen City

As Judith soared, she found her heart beating erratically. Her breathing followed suit and she found herself becoming weak.

Shutting her eyes, Judith tried to calm herself down, so she wouldn't experience something she hadn't in years now.

'Calm down, calm down.' Judith thought, only now realizing how much the Clysm frightened her. And more than that, how much a world shifting from its axis scared her. The fact that the fate of this world hinged on her was not an easy pill to swallow. Most especially as that fact was being hammered home right now.

Taking in deep breaths, Judith struggled to calm herself, but she tried anyhow.

'I can do this, I can do this, I can do this.' Judith had thought, forcing herself to believe that the knowledge she had about this world was enough. And it would seem, this line of thought had worked in calming her down.