CLIX: Dinner Table I

Once Shen's words had sunk in, the food in Judith's mouth went down the wrong pipe, so she began to cough erratically.

"Seeing each other, of course not." Wukong had blurted with his startled gaze fixated on Shen while darting toward Judith as she continued to cough.

Noticing Wukong's wavering sight, Shen couldn't help but smile.

Judith finally got a hold of herself and then turned to a cup of water which she gulped down in a second.

Seeing Judith had regained herself, Wukong rested a little easy before turning his sights to Shen.

"What brought that up anyway? And since when do you indulge in idle gossip?" Wukong had asked.

"Was just curious. And why are you so defensive? Is there something you're not telling me?" Shen had inquired, a grin appearing on his face.

"No." Wukong said with annoyance lacing his being.

Then, without knowing, Wukong had stolen a glance at Judith as she still struggled to control her breathing.